New ZEsarUX 5.0

Hi. I have released a new version of my emulator ZEsarUX. 

Finally I have succeded emulating Sinclair QL. I dedicated a lot of hours trying to guess how the keyboard work.
There is little documentation and I had to do lots of dissassemblies of the ROM and testing keyboard to know how it work...
So, hard work, this is a Quantum Leap, so this is a new major version, 5.0!

I will only post here changes related to Z88 or to the whole emulator, excluding other machines like Spectrum, etc.

You can also read the full Changelog here:

So, this is the short change log:

Added Sinclair QL emulation
Added remote command protocol. You can do enhanced debugging on ZEsarUX by using a telnet client.
There are a lot of commands, even many commands exclusive to this protocol and not found on the GUI, like:
* load-source-code
* hexdump-internal
* set-register

Added Easter Egg ;)
Added setting to write configuration file
Added autosave snapshot at fixed interval
Added File Viewer
Added support for drag&drop on Mac OS X, SDL2
Added support for OpenGL rendering on Mac OS X Cocoa driver
Added Man Software GUI Style
Added setting to disable autoframeskip
Added setting to set breakpoints from command line
Improved Debug CPU Window: now you can switch between different views:
1) 1 opcode, cpu registers, other internal registers
2) 9 opcodes, other internal registers
3) 15 opcodes
4) 9 hexdump lines, other internal registers
5) 15 hexdump lines
Fixed text to speech routine when sending non-ascii character
Fixed bug mapping real joystick buttons and axes with same number
Updated Z88 OZ V4.7
Some other minor bugfixes and improvements



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