Moving anywhere
Go to Slot -
CGSMoves the cursor directly to a specified slot. After the prompt
type the coordinates of the slot you want to move to, followed by
Highlight | ||||||
| ||||||
Save Position -
CSPSaves the cursor position of the line containing the cursor in PipeDream. If you move to a new position, you can jump back to the previous position with the Restore Position command. Up to five positions can be saved.
Restore Position - CRP
Moves the cursor to the last position saved. If five positions have already been saved, the Save Position command will give a bleep warning.
Moving between columns
First Column -
CFC orHighlight | ||||||
| ||||||
Last Column -
CLCThese commands move the cursor to the first or left-most column on the document, and last or right-most column on the document respectively. The cursor stays in the same row, but will be moved to the first (left-most) character position in the specified column.
Editing within a line/slot
Insert/Overtype -
VSwitches the text entry mode between Insert and Overtype. The mode currently selected is displayed on the top line of the Options Page.
The Rubout command, normally used by pressing the DEL key, deletes to the left. Then DEL key is used to remove a mistake in the line you have just typed. In Insert mode the remaining characters on the line move one position to the left. Note that DEL will not jump back to the previous line when the left-hand margin of a page is reached.
Delete Character -
G orthe
Highlight | ||||||
| ||||||
Highlight | ||||||
| ||||||
Insert Character -
UInserts a space at the cursor position, leaving the cursor where it is and moving subsequent text on the line to the right. The Insert Character command is used when working in Overtype mode, to create spaces in which to insert additional text within a line.
Delete Word -
TDeletes all the characters from the current cursor position, up to but not including the first character of the next word. Normally you would position the cursor at the beginning of the word you want to delete, using the Next Word and Previous Word commands, and then give the Delete Word command to delete everything up to the next word. Note that Delete Word will not delete beyond the end of the current slot.
Delete to End of Slot -
DDeletes all characters from the current cursor position to the end of the slot.
Swap Case -
SChanges the case of the character under the cursor, and moves the cursor one position to the right.
Editing within a column
Delete Row in Column -
EDRCDeletes the slot containing the cursor and closes up the gap, so that subsequent rows in the current column move up on the document. This command will typically be used when PipeDream is operating in Columns mode, so that the text in the current column does not have to remain aligned with the text in adjacent columns.
Insert Row in Column -
EIRCInserts a row in the column containing the cursor. Subsequent rows in the current column are moved down to make space. The Insert Row in Column command is typically used when working in Columns mode, as it does not affect the text in columns to either side of the column containing the cursor. It is also useful for restoring the alignment of a table containing items in different columns.
Join Lines -
EJLJoins the text in the line below the current line onto the end of the current line, and closes up the gap so that subsequent slots in the current column are moved up one row.
Split Line -
ESLSplits the current line at the cursor position. The character at the cursor position and subsequent characters are moved to the next row and the cursor remains at the end of the current slot.
Format Paragraph -
RReformats text from the line containing the cursor to the end of the paragraph. The lines of text will be split at the last space before the right-hand margin for the current column; see Starting PipeDream, p. 36. If justification has been selected, with the Options Page Justify option (see p. 136), additional spaces will be added to each line to make the right-hand end always coincide with the wrap point. The end of the paragraph is determined by one of the following:
You can prevent words from being split at a space by typing
space, which is called an 'exact space' and is displayed on the screen as '...'. For example,27 ...KHz
Editing a document
Delete Row - DEL
Y orDeletes the row containing the cursor across the entire document, closing up the gap. This command should be used with care, since the slot in every column on the current row will be deleted. The command is typically used when PipeDream is operating in Rows mode, in order to maintain alignment between text in adjacent columns.
Delete Column -
EDCDeletes the column containing the cursor. Note that all information in the column will be lost, so use this command with caution.
Insert Page -
EIPNormally, page breaks are inserted automatically by PipeDream. These are called 'soft' page breaks, and are represented by a horizontal line
If the conditional hard page break does not cause a page break, it will be displayed in column A as:
Insert Row -
NInserts a blank row across the entire document before the row containing the cursor. Subsequent rows are moved down to make space. The Insert Row command is typically used when working in Rows mode (see the Options Page), since it maintains alignment between text in adjacent columns.
Insert Column -
EICInserts a blank column to the left of the column containing the cursor. The new column is created with an initial width of 12 characters, and an initial wrap-width of zero. The cursor remains in the new column.
Add Column -
EACAdds a blank column at the right-hand side of the document. The new column is added with an initial width of 12 characters, and a wrap-width of zero so that text in the new column will wrap at the right-hand edge of the column.
Editing expression slots
Insert Reference -
KEnables expressions to be built up by indicating, or 'pointing to', various slots to which an expression will refer. It inserts the coordinates of the slot containing the cursor into the expression being edited. To perform the command, move the block cursor to the required slot using the cursor keys, and type
K.If an expression is not being edited, this command will have no effect.
Edit Expression -
XSets the slot containing the cursor to an expression slot, or edits an existing expression slot.
Escape -
Highlight | ||||||
| ||||||
Number < > Text -
ENTConverts the slot containing the cursor between an expression slot and a text slot. This command allows a number inadvertently entered as text to be converted to an expression, or the equation in an expression slot to be displayed as text so that it can be printed out.
- Save the document first, as the procedure will alter it.
- Mark as much of the document as you wish to examine or print out.
- Type Typing error. ENT. Expression slots within the marked block will display the expressions they contain. Note that text slots will display the error
- Press Q to clear the marked block, and, if necessary, increase the column widths so that the full expressions can be seen.
The File name of the document is displayed in the Options Page, and is used as the default file name in the options for the Save and Name commands. The File name is also used to label PipeDream suspended activities, in the Index YOUR REF. column.
Name -
FCSets the File name for the current document. Gives the prompt:
Loading a document
Load -
FLLoads a document of a given name from the filing system. The following options are displayed:
Instead of typing the file name, the file can be selected from the Filer. After typing
FL, call the Filer by typing F, and select the required document using the cursor keys followed byHighlight | ||||||
| ||||||
Highlight | ||||||
| ||||||
Highlight | ||||||
| ||||||
After loading a document, expression slots are recalculated twice, once to obtain the correct values of constant slots, and then again to ensure that references to constant slots have the correct values. If the document contains complicated forward referencing, it may need further recalculation before the values of slots stabilise.
Saving a document
Save - FS FS
If none of the options are changed, pressing
Highlight | ||||||
| ||||||
The following commands provide a convenient way of moving between files in a multi-file document:
Next File -
FNLoads the next file in a multi-file document, but first saves the current file if it has been altered since the last save command.
Previous File -
FPLoads the previous file in a multi-file document. The current document is saved if it has been altered since last saving it.
Top File -
FTLoads the first file in a multi-file document. The current document is first saved if it has been altered since last saving it.
Bottom File -
FBLoads the last document in a multi-file document. The current document is first saved if it has been altered since last saving it.
Take care not to add any blank lines after the last file name. Then save this as a plain text file called book.L, by typing FS book.L, and setting the Save plain text option to Y
Now load the multi-file document by typing book
. If you use the Filer to select the file you will need to delete the '.L
' extension from the end of the file name.
FN, FP, FT, and FB will then move between the three files....
Column widths and margins
Width -
WSpecifies the width that a column occupies on the document. The following options are displayed:
If no column is specified, the column currently containing the cursor is assumed.
Set Margin -
HAlters the right-hand margin of a specified column. The margin is indicated by the right-hand margin pointer,
, on the top border, and determines the point at which text typed into the column will wrap onto the next line....
Enter the Options Page, by typing
O, and alter the Insert on wrap option to Columns by pressing until the cursor is on the option line, and typing C to alter it to...
The results of expression slots can similarly be displayed left-aligned, centred, or right-aligned over the width of the column.
Right ight Align - LAR LAR
Left Align - LAL LAL
Aligns the text in the current slot to the right or left of the wrap-width of the current column, respectively. The alignment will be displayed when the cursor is moved off the slot. The Left Align command can, for example, be used to prevent text in a table from being inadvertently re-formatted with the Format Paragraph command.
Centre Align - LAC LAC
Centres the text in the slot containing the cursor, or a marked block of slots, over the wrap-width of the column containing it.
Aligns components of the slot containing the cursor, or the slots within a marked block, to the left, centre, and right of the column's text wrap-width. The line has the format
where left, centre, and right represent text which will be respectively left-aligned, centred and right-aligned, and '/' represents an arbitrary delimiter, which must not occur elsewhere in the line of text.
Free Align - LAF LAF
Removes the alignment from a slot containing the cursor, or a marked block of slots. Text, or the results of expression slots, will be left-aligned in the slot.
Fixing rows and columns
Fix Row - LFR LFR
Fixes the row containing the cursor, and all rows above it, on the screen. If borders are displayed, the fixed rows are identified with horizontal lines in the left-hand border. Moving the cursor up or down on the document will scroll only those rows which have not been fixed, so the cursor can be moved to another part of the document while retaining the fixed rows on the screen. Giving the Fix Row command again frees the rows and restores the document to its original state.
Fix Column -
LFCFixes the column containing the cursor, and all columns to its left, on the screen. If borders are displayed, the fixed columns are identified in the top border by solid lines. If the cursor is moved on the document, only the columns that have not been fixed will scroll, so that the cursor can be moved to another part of the document while retaining the fixed columns on the screen. Giving the Fix Column command again frees the columns.
All the format commands can be applied either to the single slot containing the cursor, or to a block of slots by marking them before giving the command.
Decimal Places -
LDPSets the number of decimal places displayed by an expression slot, or a marked block of expression slots. Gives the prompt
The number of decimal places may be set to a value from 0 to 9, or floating format may be specified which uses the display format giving the most significant figures displayed in the available width.
Sign Brackets -
Sign Minus - LSM
LSB Specify that negative values in an expression slot or marked block of expression slots should be displayed in financial notation, enclosed in brackets, or with a minus sign prefix respectively.
Leading Characters -
Trailing Characters - LCT
LCL Specify that the leading or trailing characters defined in the Options Page should be displayed for the expression slot contained in the cursor or the marked block of expression slots. The default leading and trailing characters are '£' and '%' respectively, and these can be altered on the Options Page.
Default Format -
LDFRestores the expression slot containing the cursor, or a marked block of expression slots, to the default format as specified on the Options Page. Once any element of an expression slot's format has been altered with one of the commands Decimal Places, Sign Brackets, Sign Minus, Leading Characters or Trailing Characters, the slot's format is frozen and not be affected by subsequent alterations to the Options Page. Giving the Default Format command removes any specific format set on the slot.
The OPTIONS menu contains only one command, Options Page, or
O, which displays a page of information about the current document together with the global settings which may be altered to effect the way that commands operate on the document....
As with many other commands, Next Option, Y
and N
for Yes
and No
, or T
and N
for Text
and Numbers
. Alternatively, these values can be changed by typing the appropriate letter. In the case of options with more than two possible values, J will set the option back to its default value.
Other options can be altered by moving the cursor to the appropriate item, with the
and keys, and then editing the item with the line-editing commands , ,Highlight | ||||||
| ||||||
Highlight | ||||||
| ||||||
Highlight | ||||||
| ||||||
Set to T (Text) to make the default slot format text slots, or N (Numbers) for expression slots. In Numbers mode there is no need to type X before entering an expression, and the cursor keys and will move directly between slots containing expressions; ie behave like
Highlight | ||||||
| ||||||
Highlight | ||||||
| ||||||
Highlight | ||||||
| ||||||
Set to N
(No justify) for ragged right margins, or Y
(Yes) for even right-hand margins. To reformat a paragraph of text after changing this option, give the Format Paragraph command, R.
Wrap (Y)
Set to Y
(Yes) to make text wrap automatically at the wrap point, or N
(No) for no wrapping.
Set to A
(Automatic) to recalculate the document every time an expression slot changes or M
(Manual) for recalculation only with the A command. This option can be set to M
to make entering data into a large spreadsheet, or working with large text documents, faster.
Specify up to 4 characters to be displayed in front of or after expression slots with
LCL or LCT set.Page format
The commands on the PRINT menu allow you to print your document and to take advantage of facilities offered by the printer, such as bold and underlined text, and alternative fonts.
Print -
POPrints all or part of a document. The following options are displayed:
Multi-file documents: if the Print command is given in a multi-file document, the current document will be saved if it is modified, and the entire multi-file document will be printed, starting with the first file.
Microspace pitch
PMSelects microspaced printed output. Gives the prompt
The codes are inserted into text with the following commands:
Underline (1) -
Bold (2) - PB
Extended Sequence (3) - PX
Italic (4) - PI
Subscript (5) - PL
Superscript (6) - PR
Alternative font (7) - PA
User Defined (8) - PE
These commands insert the corresponding highlight code at the current cursor position. Successive occurrences of a highlight code enable and disable the corresponding printer facility.
Highlight characters are considered to be of zero width for formatting and justification.
Note: You can use
Highlight | ||||||
| ||||||
Insert Highlights -
PHIInserts a specified highlight number in the text at the cursor position. Gives the prompt
Typing in a number between 1
and 8
, followed by
Highlight | ||||||
| ||||||
Remove Highlights -
PHRRemoves all occurrences of a specified highlight number from a given marked block of text. Gives the prompt
Typing a number between 1
and 8
followed by
Highlight | ||||||
| ||||||
Highlight Block -
PHBHighlights all words within a marked block of text with a given highlight number. Gives the prompt
An expression is entered by giving the Edit Expression command on the EDIT menu, or by typing ENTER.
X. The cursor will then move to the editing line, at the top of the screen, until the expression is entered by typing...