Time Chart
This chart shows the total time taken to transfer 2 different size files.
There is not a lot of difference between the Serial cables and where there is a difference, this is because of a fault.
Chart |
orientation | vertical |
showShapes | false |
width | 500 |
type | bar |
height | 500 |
Serial Cable | Size 17602
Time | Size512 Time |
38400 BPS 5.3-08 Win8 Keyspan | 5940 | 1398 | 38400 BPS 5.3-08 Win8 Prolific | 5941 | 1359 | 38400 BPS 5.3-08 Win8 FTDI n/a | 4712 | 1232 | 38400 BPS 5.3-08 Winxp Keyspan | 5940 | 1398 | 38400 BPS 5.3-08 Winxp Prolific | 6382 | 1358 | 38400 BPS 5.3-08 Winxp FTDI n/a | 4709 | 1233 | 38400 BPS 5.3-08 Winxp HW n/a | | | 9600 BPS 5.3-08 Win8 Keyspan | 19268 | 1846 | 9600 BPS 5.3-08 Win8 Prolific | 15246 | 1694 | 9600 BPS 5.3-08 Win8 FTDI n/a | 18381 | 1598 | 9600 BPS 5.3-08 Winxp Keyspan | 19255 | 1812 | 9600 BPS 5.3-08 Winxp Prolific | 19415 | 1666 | 9600 BPS 5.3-08 Winxp FTDI n/a | 18373 | 1233 | 9600 BPS 5.3-08 Winxp H/W n/a | 18360 | 1670 | 9600 BPS 5.2.6-06 Win8 Keyspan | 32177 | 2126 | 9600 BPS 5.2.6-06 Win8 Prolific | 21784 | 6030 | 9600 BPS 5.2.6-06 Win8 FTDI | 32060 | 1985 | 9600 BPS 5.2.6-06 Winxp Keyspan | 30719 | 2145 | 9600 BPS 5.2.6-06 Winxp Prolific | 30503 | 1867 | 9600 BPS 5.2.6-06 Winxp FTDI | 32052 | 2010 | 9600 BPS 5.2.6-06 Winxp H/W | 32263 | 2157 | 9600 BPS 5.1 Win8 Keyspan | 30718 | 2086 | 9600 BPS 5.1 Win8 Prolific n/a | 21775 | 6025 | 9600 BPS 5.1 Win8 FTDI | 30610 | 1997 | 9600 BPS 5.1 Winxp Keyspan | 30718 | 2077 | 9600 BPS 5.1 Winxp Prolific | 30505 | 1884 | 9600 BPS 5.1 Winxp FTI | 30617 | 1973 | 9600 BPS 5.1 Winxp H/W | 32249 | 2115 | 9600 OZ 4.3.1 5.1-05 Win8 Keyspan | 17520 | 1699 | 9600 OZ 4.3.1 5.1-05 Win8 Prolific | 14000 | 1555 | 9600 OZ 4.3.1 5.1-05 Win8 FTDI | 17473 | 1615 | 9600 OZ 4.3.1 5.1-05 Winxp Keyspan | 17517 | 1698 | 9600 OZ 4.3.1 5.1-05 Winxp Prolific | 30505 | 17489 | 9600 OZ 4.3.1 5.1-05 Winxp FTDI | 17467 | 1702 | 9600 OZ 4.3.1 5.1-05 Winxp H/W | 17563 | 1689 |
Chart |
orientation | vertical |
showShapes | false |
width | 500 |
type | bar |
height | 500 |
Serial Cable | Size 17602
Time | Size512 Time |
38400 BPS 5.3-08 Win8 Keyspan | 5940 | 1398 | 38400 BPS 5.3-08 Winxp Keyspan | 5940 | 1398 | 9600 BPS 5.3-08 Win8 Keyspan | 19268 | 1846 | 9600 BPS 5.3-08 Winxp Keyspan | 19255 | 1812 | 9600 BPS 5.2.6-06 Win8 Keyspan | 32177 | 2126 | 9600 BPS 5.2.6-06 Winxp Keyspan | 30719 | 2145 | 9600 BPS 5.1 Win8 Keyspan | 30718 | 2086 | 9600 BPS 5.1 Winxp Keyspan | 30718 | 2077 | 9600 OZ 4.3.1 5.1-05 Win8 Keyspan | 17520 | 1699 | 9600 OZ 4.3.1 5.1-05 Winxp Keyspan | 17517 | 1698 |
Chart |
orientation | vertical |
showShapes | false |
width | 500 |
type | bar |
height | 500 |
Serial Cable | Size 17602
Time | Size512 Time |
38400 BPS 5.3-08 Win8 Prolific | 5941 | 1359 | 38400 BPS 5.3-08 Winxp Prolific | 6382 | 1358 | 9600 BPS 5.3-08 Win8 Prolific | 15246 | 1694 | 9600 BPS 5.3-08 Winxp Prolific | 19415 | 1666 | 9600 BPS 5.2.6-06 Win8 Prolific | 21784 | 6030 | 9600 BPS 5.2.6-06 Winxp Prolific | 30503 | 1867 | 9600 BPS 5.1 Win8 Prolific n/a | 21775 | 6025 | 9600 BPS 5.1 Winxp Prolific | 30505 | 1884 | 9600 OZ 4.3.1 5.1-05 Win8 Prolific | 14000 | 1555 | 9600 OZ 4.3.1 5.1-05 Winxp Prolific | 30505 | 17489 |
Chart |
orientation | vertical |
showShapes | false |
width | 500 |
type | bar |
height | 500 |
Serial Cable | Size 17602
Time | Size512 Time |
38400 BPS 5.3-08 Win8 FTDI n/a | 4712 | 1232 | 38400 BPS 5.3-08 Winxp FTDI n/a | 4709 | 1233 | 9600 BPS 5.3-08 Win8 FTDI n/a | 18381 | 1598 | 9600 BPS 5.3-08 Winxp FTDI n/a | 18373 | 1233 | 9600 BPS 5.2.6-06 Win8 FTDI | 32060 | 1985 | 9600 BPS 5.2.6-06 Winxp FTDI | 32052 | 2010 | 9600 BPS 5.1 Win8 FTDI | 30610 | 1997 | 9600 BPS 5.1 Winxp FTI | 30617 | 1973 | 9600 OZ 4.3.1 5.1-05 Win8 FTDI | 17473 | 1615 | 9600 OZ 4.3.1 5.1-05 Winxp FTDI | 17467 | 1702 |
Chart |
orientation | vertical |
showShapes | false |
width | 500 |
type | bar |
height | 500 |
Serial Cable | Size 17602
Time | Size512 Time |
38400 BPS 5.3-08 Winxp HW n/a | | | 9600 BPS 5.3-08 Winxp H/W n/a | 18360 | 1670 | 9600 BPS 5.2.6-06 Winxp H/W | 32263 | 2157 | 9600 BPS 5.1 Winxp H/W | 32249 | 2115 | 9600 OZ 4.3.1 5.1-05 Winxp H/W | 17563 | 1689 |
If OZ 4.3.1 is run, it works with all cables and the hardware connector.