OZ Version | Popdown | Method |
5.0 | Filer | TAB to select multiple files, send batch using ◇ S B . Receive a batch into the current directory using ◇ R B .
5.0 | Shell | sb -k filenames to send. rb -c to receive.
4.5 - 4.7.1 | ImpExport | Y for YMODEM, then C for CRC, then K for 1K block size. Wildcards are permitted for batch sending. ESC to exit.
2.2 - 4.4.1 | XY-Modem | Y for YMODEM, then C for CRC, then K for 1K block size. Wildcards are permitted for batch sending. SHIFT +ENTER to exit.
Info |
Set Remember to set the serial transmit and receive baud rates to 38400, and to disable Xon/Xoff, in Panel popdown (□ S ) |
Computer Setup
Consult the following guides: