OZ Version | EazyLink2 Version | Notes |
4.5 - 5.0 | 5.4-09, included with OZ | OZ 4.5 featured a second serial driver rewrite for further reliability and performance improvements. |
4.4.1 | 5.3-08, included with OZ | Supports Xon/Xoff for computer serial ports that do not support RTS/CTS. |
4.4.0 | 5.3-07, included with OZ | OZ serial driver rewrite for reliability and performance improvements. EazyLink Auto-negotiates to 38400bps after 9600bps handshake. |
4.3.1 | 5.2-06, included with OZ | Constrained to 9600bps only. |
2.2 - 4.0 | Use standalone version, limited to protocol v06 | Constrained to 9600bps only (unreliable OZ serial driver at higher speeds, consider YMODEM instead). Can now write to all OZ 5.0 supported flash memory types. To send EazyLink2 to an unmodified Z88, follow this guide for receiving files using the built-in ImpExport popdown. |