- KN0 stands for primary kernel bank, accessed by OS 1 byte calls
- KN1 for secundary secondary kernel bank, accessed by OS (06) 2 bytes calls
- KN2 for auxiliary kernel bank
- , accessed by OS (03) 2 bytes calls
The core static structures are held in KN2 STS bank and contains fonts, keyboard maps, localized texts.
API calls are DC (12), GN (09) and FP calls. DC stands for director/CLI, GN for general usage, FP for floating point. All API except OS 1 byte and FP calls have a space up to 32K. This new feature implemented in OZ 5.0 defines primary and secundary banks.
- DC0 : primary DC bank
- DC1 : secundary DC bank
- GN0 : primary GN bank
- GN1 : secundary GN bank
Actually, FP calls are held in GN1 bank (may change in the future).
Important convention
Primary banks are always bound to segment 3, secundary to segment 2.
Secundary bank number always follows its primary bank number.
KN1 = KN0 +1
DC1 = DC0 +1
OZ Memory segment configuration
Segment | HARD | SOFT | OS | OS* | OS* | 2 bytes
| DC* | GN* | FP | |
S0L | $0000 - $1FFF | KN0L | R20L | R20L | R20L | R20L | R20L | R20L | R20L | |
S0H | $2000 - $3FFF | KN0H | R20H | Usr | Usr | Usr | Usr | Usr | Usr | |
S1 | $4000 - $7FFF | KN0 | Usr | Usr | Usr | Usr | Usr | Usr | Usr | |
S2 | $8000 - $BFFF | KN0 | KN2 | Usr | KN1 | KN2 | DC1Usr | GN1Usr | Usr | |
S3 | $C000 - $FFFF | KN0 | KN0 | KN0 | KN0 | KN0 | DC0DC | GN0GN | FP |
* = OZ push frame established
Notice that IX is not preserved.
Exit Exiting is generaly performed by LSB = $03 0 of the API table in segment 3.
The applications
They are divided in crucial system applications tight to the system :
- Shell
- Panel/PrinterEd
- Filer
- Clock/Calendar/Alarm
Notice that Index belongs to the core, its code is mixed with DC API in DC0 DC bank.
The file area
The system file area is named :EPR.0 or :EPR.1 if OZ runs from slot 1. Its directory layout follows the unix convention, Shell commands stand in :EPR.x/bin/, man pages in :EPR.x/usr/man/, ...