The remainder of a diary file is simply straight text.
File Card format
The following is the format used in file Eprom and Flash Cards. Unfortunately this is not the conventions used by the DOR system. However, it is sufficient for traversing through the file contents. With this information you can program an application that can retreave previously 'deleted' (overwritten) files. The format is as follows:
$0000 File entry
... File entry
... Latest file entry
... $FF's until
$3FC0 $00's until
$3FF7 $01
$3FF8 4 byte random id
$3FFC size of card in banks (2=32K, 8=128K, 16=256K)
$3FFD sub-type, $7E for 32K cards, and $7C for 128K (or larger) cards
$3FFE 'o'
$3FFF 'z' (file eprom identifier, lower case 'oz')
A file entry has the form:
1 byte n length of filename
1 byte x '/' for latest version, $00 for old version (deleted)
n-1 bytes 'xxxx' filename
4 bytes m length of file (least significant byte first)
m bytes body of file
When a file is saved to EPROM which has the same name as an existing file, the byte following the filename length, is set to zero, thus marking the file deleted. However, the name length and contents of the old file are all intact and so by directly reading the EPROM, old files can be recovered.
In OZ V4.2 and later, OS_Epr has been extended with new functionality to read / write File cards. A new system call, OS_Fep has also been introduced which writes and erases data on Rakewell Flash Cards.