This command KILLS the application - it is IRREVERSIBLE. The command has to be entered from the keyboard - it cannot be selected from the MENU. The DIE command is equivalent to the KILL command from the suspended activities area.
ECS Errors
- ERROR MESSAGES - Errors which occur when reading or saving files are fatal and result in the application being KILLED by the operating system - though it may always be re-selected from the INDEX.
- BAD FILENAME - Filename should be alphanumeric characters only as described in the Z88 manual.
- FILE NOT FOUND - The file specified does not exist. If in doubt refer to the FILER for the correct filename.
- FILE IN USE - This error will be generated if the file selected is already being used by another application.
- NO ROOM - No memory is available to open a new file. Delete files which are no longer required or KILL redundant application from the Suspended Activities List