- Only accept explicit filenames (wildcard are not allowed).
- The filename must be terminated by a control character, eg. null (0) or CR (13).
- :EPR.x files are deleted from the filesystem tree and marked as deleted in the filearea (OZ V5.0 or later).
Related calls
GN_Cl, close file
GN_Opf, open file/resource (wildcard search)
GN_Ren, rename file OS_Cl, internal close (OZ usage)
OS_Del, file delete (internal OZ usage)
OS_Frm, file read miscellaneous
OS_Fwm, file write miscellaneous
OS_Gb, get byte from file (or device)
OS_Gbt, get byte from file (or device) with timeout
OS_Mv, move bytes between stream and memory
OS_Op, internal open (OZ usage)
OS_Pb, write byte to file, device
OS_Pbt, write byte to file, device with timeout
OS_Ren, file rename (internal OZ usage)