19th July 2012

With great pleasure, the Z88 team presents EazyLink popdown V5.2. This is the first public announcement of the EazyLink popdown in our new project hosting; it has been around for many years, supported by InterLogic, Rakewell Ltd and its Z88 users, gradually improving features and stability.

With a proper Z88 project in the public for the EazyLink popdown, is is now more easy to provide release information and project management. This is also a joint-release with the new EazyLink Desktop Client that utilizes all the new features of the V5.2 popdown.

Highlights of EazyLink V5.2 and V5.1:

Work done in this release

Below you will see the list of work and features with all the technical details, that we have done in V5.2. The previous release, V5.1 wasn't recorded as work in our project management, however you can browse our commit log in bitbucket :