Getting the Applications

They can either be 

Unwanted applications in an existing compilation, may be hidden but they cannot be removed to save space.

Download OZ 4.7

The main page for all the OZ variants are here. Download OZ 4.7 zip file and unzip it. The files that are used are:

These need to be either copied to the emulator, or transferred to the Z88.

Romcombiner uses these 16K blocks which are numbered 32, 47, 50 - 63.

How the 16K blocks are organised

These 16K files store the applications and data in the file area. The highest number, 63 is where all applications start. The OZ compilation of applications in this case is the 50 - 63 range. As the Flash cards can only be erased in blocks of 64K, the file area can only be within these 64K to prevent Applications from being erased when the file area is formatted.

That has happened here. Block 47 is the file header and 32 contains files that are in the file area. This means that blocks 48-49 are unused and may be used for additional applications without impacting the existing file area. This example demonstrates how two 16K applications may be added. If another application is added which uses block 47, the file header would be moved to block 43. This will reduce the file area by 64K but will give that 64K to the application area.

Choosing additional applications

At this stage we are looking at adding Z88 ROM Applications only.

OZ 4.7 can run some applications in RAM which may be chosen dynamically as and when required. If they wish to be used as Z88 ROM Applications, their file numbers need to be changed from .ap0 to .63, ap1 to .62 and so on. The .app file may be discarded.

RAM Applications are available to download here.

Some ROM applications are available to download here. There are other 3rd party sites where Z88 Applications reside.

Looking at the list, it is not immediately apparent which applications to choose. The latest files are at the top.

Downloading additional applications

The two 16K applications chosen are:-

Unzip and ZipUp are always useful to have on the Z88, but why have another copy of Eazylink? With only 16K left it is really a choice between having a game or something else. If, for example, the original OZ 3.0 was used, the Eazylink application supplied with OZ 4.7 would not work as it needs to be run in OZ 4.7. Having the stand-alone copy as well, allows either version to be selected. Download them from the list above.

Collect files needed for the File Area

The file area will be empty after this compilation is built. If there are any files that need to be included in the file area, like existing user files, this is a good time to put them in a folder on the Desktop computer.

Building the ROM

There are two ways of doing the compilation.

In this example the emulator is used. It is quicker to use and images may be generated for this article. When using the Z88 the same techniques are used. It is just that the files need to be transferred to the Z88 before they can be used.

Running the emulator

The emulator is set up with

All the files required are imported in the 1M Flash in Slot 2.

Select Flashstore J Select File Card Area Slot 2, Restore to RAM, Device :RAM.1, Overwrite all files? No.

Select Panel S Change the Default Device to :RAM.1

Select Filer F Change Device SV to :RAM.1

Whilst in the Filer, erase the .32 and .47 files, as these may confuse RomCombiner at this stage.

Run RomCombiner


Select C

Select A

The first card name to add is ozs1-603c979 the name of OZ 4.7 compilation.

The first 15 applications are loaded, time to add the next one, Select A.

Then go around the loop a couple of times for the added applications

Card name, ziputils

Card name zetriz

There is the compilation, 18 applications no further changes required. Select C.

After a lot of text the final question is

Create Card to insert into slot 3

Back to RomCombiner

Blow image files to Blank EPROM

Add the file area to the compilation.

Select Flashstore J Select File Card Area Slot 3, Format File Area on Flash Card,

Change N to Y.

Adding files to the file area

There are several ways of adding files.

Using the emulator

Clicking on the Slot 3 icon on the emulator

and then clicking on Import files into File Area allows files to be selected from the Desktop to be loaded straight to the Flashcard.

Remove Card

Using Flashstore

Using a Spreadsheet for larger compilations

Planning the compilation i.e. with PipeDream will allow

The first items on the list are the existing Z88 applications. They have Application names and Key letters which need to be taken into consideration. An additional line is added at the top I Index which although is not displayed on the Z88, the Key letter is used. The first column is a 'master order' column. You will see that we will need this to return our list back to where we started after the different checks we will be doing.


OZ 4.x
10 IIndex
11 DDiary
12 PPipeDream
14 RCalculator
15 CCalendar
16 TClock
17 AAlarm
18 FFiler
19 EPrinterEd
20 SPanel
22 XImpExp

 Adding some Applications to OZ 4.7


 This section is being written. Please check for updates.

This is the document planning area

Considerations - using existing compilations

Make a list of applications required

from which existing compilation

Three columns are used to sort

Getting the applications - ROM or Download

An example



Navigate space