Register parameters

The directory name must not contain wildcards (standard convention).
; However if a RAM device is not specified, it will automatically be included
; (the current) into the directory name.
; The buffer of the directory name must have space enough to get itself expanded
; with a device name (additional 6 bytes).
; IN:     BHL = pointer to null-terminated directory path name
; out, if successful:
;         Fc = 0, directory successfully created
; out, if failed:
;         Fc = 1, unable to create directory
;         A = error code:
;              RC_IVF, Invalid directory path name
;              RC_USE, Directory in use
;              RC_EXIS, Directory already exists
;    registers changed after return:
;         A.BCDEHL/IXIY  same
;         .F....../....  differentIN:
     HL = 0,1,2; not allowed (B=0)
     BHL = extended pointer to filename. HL must be > 255
     (B = 0 -> HL is local pointer)

OUT, if call successful:
     Fc = 0
OUT, if call failed:
     Fc = 1
     A = error code:
          RC_ONF ($12), file not found
          RC_IVF ($17), invalid filename
          RC_USE ($15), file is in use, ie. not closed

Registers changed after return:
     ..BCDEHL/IXIY same
     AF....../.... different 
