
My last computer upgrade was in 2002, a Pentium 4 with Windows xp. With the life drawing to an end for this version I have upgraded to Windows 8 Professional - 64 bit on a faster computer. I thought I would document and share my findings here, so that if other Z88 Users (like me), who wish to run the older 16 bit DOS on different computers can benefit from my findings.

I thought I would start with PC PipeDream. There are quite a few old files around and I have found it is useful to keep the same format as the Z88 is using until conversion is required. There are a number of ways of achieving this, but I thought I would start by using Hyper-V, (a virtual machine manager that runs the VM software) which is included in my version. Once created a VM, you can install any OS you want, including Windows 3.1 through Windows 8, Linux, BSD, and others.

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