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Mnemonic        Symbolic            Flags (bit 7-0)   Instruction         Number      Number of   Number of   Comments
                operation           S Z . H . V N C   opcode              of bytes    M cycles    T states

CALL nn         (SP-1) <- PCh       * * X * X * * *   11 001 101 (CDh)    3           5           17
                (SP-2) <- PCl                         -- <nn> --
                SP <- SP-2
                PC <- nn

CALL cc,nn      if not cc, continue * * X * X * * *   11 <cc> 100         3           5           10          if cc is false
                else, CALL nn                         -- <nn> ---         3           5           17          if cc iss true

RETI            return from         * * X * X * * *   11 101 101 (EDh)    2           4           14          cc: condition
                interrupt                             01 001 101 (4Dh)                                        000 NZ not zero
                                                                                                              001 Z  zero
RETN            return from non-    * * X * X * * *   11 101 101 (EDh)    2           4           14          010 NC not carry
                maskable interrupt                    01 000 101 (45h)                                        011 C  carry
                                                                                                              100 PO parity odd
RET             PCl <- (SP)         * * X * X * * *   11 001 001 (C9h)    1           3           10          101 PE parity even
                PCh <- (SP+1)                                                                                 110 P  sign posit.
                SP <- SP+2                                                                                    111 M  sign nega.

RET cc          if not cc, continue * * X * X * * *   11 <cc> 000         1           1           5           if cc is false
                else, RET                                                 1           3           11          if cc is true

RST p           (SP-1) <- PCh       * * X * X * * *   11 <t> 111          1           3           11          t:   p:
                (SP-2) <- PCl                                                                                 000  00h
                SP <- SP-2                                                                                    001  08h
                PCh <- 0                                                                                      010  10h
                PCl <- p                                                                                      011  18h
                                                                                                              100  20h
                                                                                                              101  28h
                                                                                                              110  30h
                                                                                                              111  38h