Developers' Notes V4.6

The original text were published by Cambridge Computer in 1988, which could be bought separately or as part of a commercial Z88 application development kit. Matthew Soar has since then published them here:

Matthew Soar

John Harrison
Matthew Elton

Trinity Concepts Ltd, Jim Westwood & Graham French

The Z88 Project Development team picked up the text from V2 and continued to improve it, according to new developments in OZ.

Gunther Strube, Thierry Peycru & Dennis Gröning

Vic Gerhardi, Jorma Oksanen



9th July: Progress of final authoring of V4.5 edition ongoing. First works have been added for OZ V4.6 API.

26th May 2012: 98% of the notes are now imported and improved with better text-layout. A few chapters have yet to be imported and links to System Call API's are currently being applied everywhere in the text.

8th June 2014: Updated API for OZ V4.5