The Z80 CPU is driven by two external interrupt. INT/NMI/HLT. 5 ms

The INT ($B1) register controls which interrupts are enabled:

BIT         NAME        Function
7           KWAIT       If set, reading the keyboard will Snooze
6           A19         If set, an active high on A19 will exit Coma
5           FLAP        If set, flap interrupts are enabled
4           UART        If set, UART interrupts are enabled
3           BTL         If set, battery low interrupts are enabled
2           KEY         If set, keyboard interrupts (Snooze or Coma) are enabl.
1           TIME        If set, RTC interrupts are enabled
0           GINT        If clear, no interrupts get out of blink

The ACK ($B6) register is used to acknowledge and thus clear an interrupt:

BIT         NAME        Function
7           -           -
6           A19         Acknowledge A19 interrupt
5           FLAP        Acknowledge FLAP interrupt
4           -           -
3           BTL         Acknowledge battery low interrupt
2           KEY         Acknowledge keyboard interrupt
1           -           -
0           -           -

The STA ($B1) register provides information about which interrupt has actually occurred:

BIT         NAME        Function
7           FLAPOPEN    If set, flap open else flap closed
6           A19         If set, high level on A19 occurred during coma
5           FLAP        If set, positive edge has occurred on FLAPOPEN
4           UART        If set, an enabled UART interrupt is active
3           BTL         If set, battery low pin is active
2           KEY         If set, a column has gone low in snooze (or coma)
1           TIME        If set, an enabled TIME interrupt is active
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