 font-family: Consolas,Monaco,Lucida Console,Liberation Mono,DejaVu Sans Mono,Bitstream Vera Sans Mono,Courier New, monospace;
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Mnemonic        Symbolic            Flags (bit 7-0)   Instruction         Number      Number of   Number of   Comments
                operation           S Z . H . V N C   opcode              of bytes    M cycles    T states

                     | +------+  |
RLCA            CY <-+-|7 <- 0|<-+  * * X 0 X * 0 ?   00 000 111 (07h)    1           1           4
                       +- A --+
Rotate left circular accumulator 
                |     +------+  |
RLA             +-CY<-|7 <- 0|<-+   * * X 0 X * 0 ?   00 010 111 (17h)    1           1           4
                      +- A --+
Rotate left accumulator 
                |  +------+ |
RRCA            +->|7 -> 0|-+-> CY  * * X 0 X * 0 ?   00 001 111 (0Fh)    1           1           4
                   +- A --+
Rotate right circular accumulator 
                |  +------+     |
RRA             +->|7 -> 0|->CY-+   * * X 0 X * 0 ?   00 011 111 (1Fh)    1           1           4
                   +- A --+
Rotate right accumulator 
RLC r    ---+                       ? ? X 0 X P 0 ?   11 001 011 (CBh)    2           2           8           r:
            |                                         00 000 <r>                                              000  C
            |       +-----------+                                                                             001  B
RLC (HL) ---+--     | +------+  |   ? ? X 0 X P 0 ?   11 001 011 (CBh)    2           4           15          010  E
            |   CY<-+-|7 <- 0|<-+                     00 000 110                                              011  D
            |         +------+                                                                                100  L
            |   r,(HL),(IX+d),(IY+d)                                                                          101  H
RLC (IX+d) -+                       ? ? X 0 X P 0 ?   11 011 101 (DDh)    4           6           23          111  A
RLC (IY+d) -+                       ? ? X 0 X P 0 ?   11 111 101 (FDh)    4           6           23
                                                      11 001 011 (CBh)
                                                      -- <d> ---
                                                      00 000 110

RL m            |     +------+  |   ? ? X 0 X P 0 ?   .. 010 ...          Please refer to RLC template
                +-CY<-|7 <- 0|<-+
                      +- m --+

RRC m           |  +------+ |       ? ? X 0 X P 0 ?   .. 001 ...          Please refer to RLC template
                +->|7 -> 0|-+-> CY
                   +- m --+

RR m            |  +------+     |   ? ? X 0 X P 0 ?   .. 011 ...          Please refer to RLC template
                +->|7 -> 0|->CY-+
                   +- m --+

SLA m           CY <-|7 <- 0|<- 0   ? ? X 0 X P 0 ?   .. 100 ...          Please refer to RLC template
                     +- m --+

SRA m           +->|7 -> 0|-> CY    ? ? X 0 X P 0 ?   .. 101 ...          Please refer to RLC template
                |  ++ m --+

SRL m           0 ->|7 -> 0|-> CY   ? ? X 0 X P 0 ?   .. 111 ...          Please refer to RLC template
                    +- m --+

                    A  |    (HL)|
                +------++ +-----+-+
RLD             |7-4|3-0| |7-4|3-0| ? ? X 0 X P 0 *   11 101 101 (EDh)    2           5           18
                +------++ ++-+--+-+                   01 101 111 (6Fh)
                       |   | |  |
                       +<--+ +<-+   Rotate digit left between the accumulator and location (HL)

                      +--->+ +->+
                      |    | |  |
                +-----+-+ ++-+--+-+
RRD             |7-4|3-0| |7-4|3-0| ? ? X 0 X P 0 *   11 101 101 (EDh)    2           5           18
                +-----+-+ +-----+-+                   01 100 111 (67h)
                    A |     (HL)|
                      +---<-----+   Rotate digit right between the accumulator and location (HL)