Cambridge Z88
Z88 Developers' Notes
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OS_Fwm, File write miscellaneous
OS_Fxm, Free explicit memory
OS_Gb, Get byte from file (or device)
OS_Gbt, Get byte from file (or device) with timeout
OS_Gth, Allocate tri-handle
OS_Hout, write a hexadecimal byte to standard output
OS_Ht, Hardware time manipulation
OS_In, Read (wait for) character from standard input
OS_Iso, key to ISO conversion
OS_Isq, Initialize prefix sequence
OS_Kin, Keyboard input
OS_Mal, Allocate memory
OS_Map, PipeDream map control
OS_Mcl, Close memory (free memory pool)
OS_Mfr, Free (previously allocated block) memory
OS_Mgb, Get current bank binding in segment
OS_Mop, Open memory (allocate memory pool)
OS_Mpb, Set new bank binding in segment
OS_Mv, Move bytes between stream and memory
OS_Nln, send new line (CR/LF) to standard output
OS_Nq, Enquire
OS_Off, Switch machine off
OS_Op, Internal open
OS_Out, Write character to standard output
OS_Pb, Write byte to file / device
OS_Pbt, Write byte to file / device with timeout
OS_Ploz, Poll for running OZ
OS_Poll, Poll for an application
OS_Pout, Write embedded string at (PC) to standard output.
OS_Prt, Send character directly to printer filter
OS_Pur, Purge keyboard buffer
OS_Ren, File rename
OS_Sci, Alter screen information
OS_Si, Low level serial interface
OS_Sp, Specify
OS_Sout, Write local string to standard output
OS_Sr, Save & restore operations
OS_Stk, Stack file current process
OS_Tin, Read character from standard input, with timeout
OS_Uash, Update application static handle in stacked process environment
OS_Use, Fetch information about process card usage
OS_Ust, Update small timer
OS_Vth, Verify tri-handle
OS_Wait, Wait for event
OS_Wrt, Write token
OS_Wsq, Write to prefix sequence
OS_Wtb, Write token base
OS_Wts, Write tokenized string
OS_Xin, Examine input
OZ_Mgb, Get memory binding
OZ_Mpb, Set new bank binding in segment
GN_Aab, Allocate alarm block
GN_Alp, Process an expired alarm
GN_Cl, Close file
GN_Cls, Classify character
GN_Cpy, Copy a file
GN_Cme, Compare null-terminated strings
GN_Crc, Get CRC-32 of ressource
GN_D16, 16bit unsigned division
GN_D24, 24bit unsigned division
GN_Dei, Convert zoned, external format date to internal format
GN_Del, Delete a file from memory
GN_Die, Convert internal format date to zoned format
GN_Dir, Create a directory path
GN_Elf, Enter ELF program
GN_Err, Display an interactive error box
GN_Esa, Read & write to filename segments
GN_Esp, Return an extended pointer to a system error message
GN_Fab, Free alarm block
GN_Fcm, Compress a filename
GN_Fex, Expand a filename
GN_Flc, Close filter
GN_Flf, Flush filter
GN_Flo, Open a filter
GN_Flr, Read character from filter
GN_Flw, Write character to filter
GN_Fpb, Push back a character into filter
GN_Gab, Get first alarm block
GN_Gdn, Convert an ASCII string to a binary integer number
GN_Gdt, Convert an ASCII string to an internal binary date
GN_Ghn, Convert hexadecimal string to 32 bits integer
GN_Gmd, Get (read) the current machine system date in internal format
GN_Gmt, Get (read) machine system time in internal format
GN_Gtm, Convert an ASCII string to a time in internal format
GN_Lab, Link an alarm block into the alarm chain
GN_Ldm, Localized Date Manipulation
GN_Lut, Lookup table facility
GN_M16, 16bit unsigned multiplication
GN_M24, 24bit unsigned multiplication
GN_Mov, Move a file
GN_Msc, Miscellaeneous time operations
GN_Nln, Send newline (CR/LF) to standard output
GN_Opf, Open file/resource (wildcard search)
GN_Opw, Open wildcard handler
GN_Pdn, Write binary integer number as decimal ASCII string
GN_Pdt, Convert an internal date to an ASCII string
GN_Pfs, Parse correctness of filename segment
GN_Phn, Convert 32 bits integer to hexadecimal ascii string