OS_Bde, Copy bytes to extended address

Register parameters

     C = number of bytes to copy (0 ... 255)
     HL = local source pointer ($0000-$7FFF)
     BDE = extended destination pointer
     Fc = 0 always

Registers changed after return:
     A.BCDEHL/IXIY same
     .F....../.... different


  • Bank boundary crossing of destination is automatically handled, if number of bytes to read passes between to banks then B is incremented (typically when writing contents from a File Entry on a File Card).
  • The HL source pointer has to be in segment 0 or 1.
  • The call does not work if the source pointer defines memory in segments 2 or 3.

Related calls

GN_Cme, compare null-terminated strings, one local, one extended
GN_Rbe, read byte at extended address
GN_Wbe, write byte at extended address
OS_Bhl, copy bytes from extended address

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