Useful information for Z88 users

Useful information for Z88 users

Here is the stuff you may have forgotten! 

Specifying Z88 file names in full

 The full form of a file name is


where DIRECTORY and filename are each of the form 


consisting of a name of up to 12 letters or digits, followed by an optional extension of up to three letters or digits,

The following extensions are used for system functions:

.sgnFor +K and +S CLI files.
.CLIFor BOOT.CLI file.

For PipeDream multi-file List file 

DIRECTORY is a directory name subject to the same constraints as filename

In addition the following symbols can be used:

../nameParent directory of name Current directory

Z88 Device  specifications

DEVICE can be specified as one of the following:


RAM in slot 0 (internal memory)


RAM in slot 1 (external memory)


RAM in slot 2 (external memory)


RAM in slot 3 (external memory)


Any RAM memory; ie 0, 1, 2, or 3. 
Used by CLI for temporary files, and lost on reset.




Printer; via printer driver 
so that highlight codes are interpreted


Communications; via serial port


Standard input


Standard output


 Null: absorbs output, and acts like an empty file on input



RAM. - files must be deleted before a soft reset is performed with Operating Systems up to and including 3.0.

Using Wildcards

The device, directory and file name can contain the following wildcards:


Matches any number of characters (or none)


Matches a single character


Matches any number of directories (or none)


For example,



Finds the file called letter anywhere


Finds: doc.tx, document, doc27, doc, etc.

* *

Finds only files with extensions.

.. /fred*

Finds all files beginning with fred in the parent directory

Note that the characters '/' and '\' may be used interchangeably.

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