FlashStore (Z88 popdown) Home

The Flashstore Popdown utility

The Flashstore popdown is run on the Z88, and is used with Flash cards.

It exists as two versions:-

  • as a 'stand-alone' application for all Z88.
  • and as a standard application in OZ 4.2 up to 4.7 versions.

This manual covers the 'stand-alone' application.

Install Flashstore popdown on Z88
Get latest version of Z88 Flashstore popdown (v1.9.8) here, which runs on all Z88 ROM releases. How-to guide is included in ZIP archive (using Romcombiner to install popdown on blank EPROM).

About Flashstore

This application needs 16K of either EPROM or Flash space. It is normally supplied on a Flashcard in the the Program Area as the standard Z88 does not understand Flash Cards. If it is on a 32K EPROM, Eazylink is bundled with it to use up the spare 16K.


FlashStore v1.9.8 (compiled on 23/04/2024, now supports the same flash memory types as OZ 5.0)


The Z88 when it was introduced had two ways of saving files.

  1. RAM pack
  2. EPROM card.

The RAM pack is good. It is convenient and quick to use. The downside of it is that if the Z88 goes wrong or the batteries go flat, the files saved there will have gone. EPROM packs are really useful. They can store the files, which remain there even when the RAM has lost them. The disadvantage was that to erase the files, they needed to be exposed to UV light. This meant that 20 minutes, a mains supply and an EPROM Eraser was required.

When the Flash chip appeared it could save files like the EPROM but it had these advantages.

FAST ERASING - takes less than ten seconds to erase 1024K bytes.
FAST SAVING - takes three seconds to save a 20K file.
LOW POWER - uses a 1/10 of the power used by a standard EPROM.

This meant that the erasing could be done whist the chip was in the Z88. For the Z88 to use it, an additional application needed to be written. Flashstore is the result.

The History of how it came about and the commands are covered in separate sections, but it cannot be stressed enough, that without the Flash chip and the dedication of the people involved has allowed development of OZ.

Flashstore exists as two versions:-

  • as a 'stand-alone' application for all Z88 OZ versions.
  • and as a standard application in OZ 4.2 and newer versions.
    It is slightly faster in its operation and applications like the Filer, now recognise the Flash cards. The software required to understand flash cards is written within the operating system.

This manual covers the 'stand-alone' application.

Flash device support

Flashstore supports the following chip types. They can be read in any slot.

I28F008SASlot 3 only Intel (I28F)
I28F004S5I28F008S5All slotsIntel (I28F)
AMDAM29F040BAM29F080BAll slotsAMD (AM29F)


All slotsAMD (AM29F)
All slotsAMD (AM29F)
All slotsAMD (AM29F)
STST29F040BST29F080DAll slotsAMD (AM29F)
All slotsSST (SST39SF)

If no flash chip is recognised, it is assumed that the device is an EPROM card.

Display examples

For this configuration, the following results are displayed on the following screens. 

Select File Card Area

The flash device compatibility types are displayed here and are shown either as INTEL, AMD, or SST (see supported device table above).

File Card Area

Further information about the chip type may be obtained from the File Card Area displayed in the right-hand side window.

Slot 0 displays the AM29F040B

Slot 1 displays the AMIC29F040B

Slot 3 displays the I28F008S5


OZ 5.0 includes a file area of its own, which contains shell utilities. DO NOT use FlashStore to erase an OZ 5.0 file area or it will render this OS unable to boot. This is particularly important if you have a modded Z88 with a flash chip in Slot 0 (replacing the ROM). FlashStore application will run under OZ 5.0 but it is not recommended. First, eprom file area should be unmounted. Any operation on the :EPR.0 file area is forbidden and would result in possibly lethal file corruption.

In OZ 5.0, all the FlashStore command are available thru the Filer and the "eputil" shell command. Moreover, the new eprom API implementation allows Intel Flash Eprom operation in any slot (28F00xS5) and not only the slot 3. Deleted file space can now be reclaimed from the Filer or with the "eputil -r" command.

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