Z88 Leaflets, Applications & Projects Home
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This section is being written. Have you got any projects you would like to share with the community?
Ever since the Z88 came out, technical users began to improve it by writing additional software and producing hardware. Z88 Applications & Projects is a central point where past Companies. developers and end users can share past information.
The commercial value of software written for the Z88 is now past. The author's hope is that this may become a central portal where the history of all the Z88 Applications written, may be recorded and stored. A lot of hard work has been done and I wish to invite past developers to share this publicly by uploading their source code, the application image, manuals, publicity and photos of the finished product. These may be just sitting somewhere on a disc or a computer, sitting on a bookshelf or in the attic, its value unknown to the uninitiated and will therefore be eventually lost.
Rakewell's website is being revamped. Copies of documentation and applications will be downloaded here. I will try and contact the different companies who produced the products to ask for their permission, but this may not always possible because Companies cease trading and personal addresses change. If you are the author or have produced any of the these products and wish them to be removed, please contact me and this will be done.
Vic Gerhardi 10th August 2013
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- Vic Gerhardi (64 days ago)
- patters (241 days ago)