Versions Compared


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When the Z88 came out there was no internet or standard for communicating between different computers.

Making a good computer link for the Z88 need to address the following:-

  • Faster Serial Port - OZ v3.0 slow implementation of the Serial Port - this is limited to 1200 baud.
  • Protocol - it needs to be able to send binary and ascii files.
  • File conversion software - PipeDream file structure is unique.

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Wordmongers wrote Tx, - File Transfer System for over 100 different micros which included the Z88. It included PipeDream to WordStar conversion.

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Cambridge Computer bought out 2 versions for the PC. PC Link used the Imp-Exp protocol. PC Link II ran as an application supplied on a 32K EPROM card and as a DOS program on the PC. It introduced new commands that enabled all commands to be controlled from the PC. PipeDream to WordStar and PipeDream to Lotus 1-2-3 file conversion was supplied.




How do they all stack up?

ManufacturerProgramFaster S-Port
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File Conversion
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Image AddedFile Transfer SystemImage AddedImage AddedImage Added  
Image AddedPC LinkImage AddedImage AddedImage Added  
Image AddedPC Link IIImage AddedImage AddedImage Added  
Image AddedRanger LinkImage AddedImage AddedImage Added  



