Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


When the Z88 came out there was no internet or standard for communicating between different computers.


  • Faster Serial Port - OZ v3.0 slow implementation of the Serial Port - this is limited to 1200 baud.
  • Protocol - it needs to be able to send binary and ascii files.
  • File conversion software - PipeDream file structure is unique.

The simplest way to get data across to different computers was to develop a known protocol for the Z88 and use it with another computer using the same file protocol.

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Wordmongers produced Z-Term which was designed to work with Hayes MODEMs. Z-Modem allowed files to be sent and received to Bulletin Boards.

Dennis Gröning wrote this application. It runs the Serial Port at the fastest speed possible.

XY-Modem popdown application for the Z88. Version 1.1, 26 December 1999. 

Wordmongers wrote Tx, - File Transfer System for over 100 different micros which included the Z88. It included PipeDream to WordStar conversion.


There was no reason why this small program was not developed for other computers i.e. Apple Mac, but this was not to be.

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Gunther Strube wrote Eazylink, improved the protocol, speeded up the serial port and added new commands which moved the software from DOS to Windows.

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Rastersoft Z88Transfer can use IMP/EXP, PCLINK or EAZYLINK protocols. When the author tried this last, it would not transfer binary files. This has been documented as fixed. I need to test it again.


How do they all stack up?


ManufacturerProgramO/SFaster S-Port
Image Added
Image Added 
File Conversion
Image Added 
Image AddedOZImage AddedImage AddedImage Added  
Image AddedOZImage AddedImage AddedImage Added  


ManufacturerProgramO/SFaster S-Port
File Conversion
File Transfer SystemImage ModifiedImage ModifiedImage Added  
PC LinkImage ModifiedImage ModifiedImage Added  
PC Link IIImage AddedImage AddedImage AddedImage Added  
Image AddedMAC LinkImage ModifiedImage ModifiedImage ModifiedImage Added  
Ranger LinkImage AddedImage AddedImage AddedImage Added  
Image AddedEazylinkImage Modified
16 bit
Image ModifiedImage Added  
Image AddedZ88TransferImage AddedImage AddedImage AddedImage Added  

