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Thanks are due to CAMBRIDGE COMPUTER LIMITED for their assistance and advise also to RACING CAR COMPUTERS (Thomas Nunn) for writing the software and to Stan Sutherland's consultancy HELP FOR MANAGEMENT for devising the original idea and concept of EVENT CONTROLS.

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Event Control System for the Z88


Comp Name Gp/Cl Time Speed Place T.F.L 0/all T.F.o/a L.


From the APPLICATIONS MENU select EVENTS by moving cursor to highlight this and press . This will load immediately and the screen will show the software logos and Events Control System. Next the competitor information screen appears and you are requested to -ENTER- TITLE OF EVENT -

Enter title of event

type in the Event name title (2015 RACE) and press .

titleThis name is also shown as YOUR REF on suspended activities on INDEX



The screen then asks

Miles or Kilometres


move cursor to select unit required (miles), and press .


The next screen asks you to ENTER DISTANCE -

Enter Distance

type in the distance in miles/kilometres (26.2) of the stage, course, track or total event and press

Next screen -




Yes No.

If you have already entered and stored a list of competitors, then select Yes - if you have no list of competitors then select No and after selection press .

Selecting YES, the screen will request LOAD COMPETITORS


Enter filename

Type in your chosen filename, (2015 FILE) and press .The screen will now indicate that it is LOADING the


This is a different name to to the Title of event.


The screen will now indicate that it either

  • No file found or
  • is LOADING the file to the selected RAM.

On completion the screen will show the information record on the first competitor and you will be in VIEW MODE View Mode, under the OPTIONS heading - at right hand side of screen.

Selecting NO will immediately place you in the ENTER MODE Enter Mode.

To load new competitors

From VIEW MODE - From View Mode press the -TAB- Image Added key. This will present you with a blank entry form and automatically place you in the ENTER MODE. Enter Mode.

Enter Mode

Image Added

Key in your required information and when the screen is completed another blank form will be displayed.

Image Added

Image Added

If you have completed all your entries of competitor information - press -ESC- Image Added to return to VIEW MODE View Mode.

Image Added

NOTE:- In some events it is necessary to have competitors with the same number. This has been allowed for and when you are requiring to FIND COMPETITOR tFC then the first competitor with the duplicated number will appear and by pressing the òImage Added cursor key the next entry will appear on the screen.

To make amendments to existing competitor information

The -ESC- The Image Added key moves between ENTER MODE and VIEW MODE. Enter Mode and View Mode.

Image Added

CONTROL (<>) OPTIONS can only be made from VIEW MODE.FIND COMPETITOR - Select tFC - View Mode.

Find competitor

Image Added

Select Image AddedFC - The screen will request a "Competitor's Number".

Type the required number and press -ENTER- Image Added. The screen will now show the information for competitor number selected. Press -ESC- Image Added to return to ENTER MODE Enter Mode, then correct your entry by pressing -ENTER- Image Added until you are at the section to be amended. When satisfied that the entry is correct, - press ENTER Image Added for each field until last line of note section is reached. You will then see a new conpetitor record on the screen.

Press -ESC- Image Added to return to VIEW MODE View Mode.

To view information on competitors

Select VIEW MODE Select View Mode - the screen will show first record on file. To view last entry press SHIFT ò Image Added Image Added and to revert to first entry press SHIFT ñ Image Added Image Added. To select any competitor in between first and last, press tFC press Image AddedFC and enter competitor number, press -ENTER- Image Added. The screen will show selected competitor or alternatively page through the competitors by pressing either the ñImage Added or òImage Added cursor keys.

To enter START/FINISH time and View Rankings

Select VIEW MODE Select View Mode - the screen will show first selected competitor, or the competitor you last viewed.

To enter start/finish time, press tET press Image AddedET - ENTER START/FINISH TIME -Enter Start time 00:00:00:00 (hour:min:sec:sec) now enter the time of starting and press -ENTER- Image Added. The screen will now ask you to enter finish time 00:00:00:00, enter finishing time and press ENTER. The elapsed time will now be shown adjacent to the word TIME in the first frame under competitor details.

Repeat this for all competitors or as many as you require. To move between competitor records use ñ or ò cursor keys or select a number by tFC.

To enter times using the STOPWATCH facility

The screen will show the selected competitor information form. To start the STOPWATCH press tGO. The TIME window will now show the clock operating.
