Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


Delete competitor

Save competitors

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Enter filename


BEWARE:- Do not run your finger horizontally across the keys as you may accidentally trigger the STOPWATCH.

Reset all times

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View rankings

This can be by


the Options window shows ***Sorting***. The ranking of the first five competitors will appear on the screen and by pressing the  or  cursor key you will move up or down the list. Press  to return to a competitor information record.


T.F.L.      = Time from leader and
T.F.o/a L. = Time from overall leader.

Group Ranking

Restrict by group


Class Ranking

Restrict by class

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Select RC - enter the class you require to rank and press . The screen returns to competitor information record, then select VR and the screen will show the first five competitors in the selected class and by pressing the  or  cursor key you will move up or down the list. Press to return to a competitor information record.


To apply both Group and Class restrictions simultaneously after restricting the Group with RG and the Class with RC, then by selecting VR the screen will display ranking information relating to competitors in a specific Class in a specific Group.

Print out competitor

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Select PC - print competitor information and the printer will print a copy of the selected record, the screen then returns to a competitor information record.

Print out rankings

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Select PR - print ranking - and the printer will print a copy of all GROUP/CLASS rankings.


At end of event, press key to return to APPLICATIONS menu or select DIE if you no longer require the EVENT CONTROL SYSTEM application.

Abandon application

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ECS Competitors
