About Harvester Information Systems Limited
Thanks are due to CAMBRIDGE COMPUTER LIMITED for their assistance and advise also to RACING CAR COMPUTERS (Thomas Nunn) for writing the software and to Stan Sutherland's consultancy HELP FOR MANAGEMENT for devising the original idea and concept of EVENT CONTROLS.
Z88 Data Organiser
The package is a fully compatible application for the Z88 and allows all the machine's inbuilt software to be used while the EVENT CONTROL SYSTEM is running.
The standard INDEX, MENU and HELP facilities are available and the various editing keys can be used when entering competitors' names and details. If you are unfamiliar with the machine then it is recommended that some time is spent studying the relevant sections of the Z88 manual.
The CLOCK and the PANEL
It is important that the real-time clock reads the correct time as EVENT CONTROL SYSTEM has the facility to enter actual START and STOP times to evaluate elapsed time.
If necessary select the CLOCK from the index or with T and set it to the correct time.
The default PANEL settings are suitable for most people but if you are particularly heavy handed when pressing the keys it may help to set the "Auto Repeat Rate" to a higher number than the default setting of 6, say 10 for example. If you are new to using a keyboard then set the "key-click" to YES and then an audible tone will be heard every time you press a key.
If necessary select the PANEL from the index or with S and change the values.
not used in this application. The user will need to read this manual first to get a good overview of the product before use.
Selecting Data Org.
EVENT CONTROL SYSTEM can Z88 Data Organiser can be started from the INDEX using the cursor bar or can be selected at any time using O. If EVENT CONTROL SYSTEM has Z88 Data Organiser has already been used it will appear in the SUSPENDED ACTIVITIES area of the index from which it can be re-selected using the cursor bar. There can be any number of EVENT applications running - the only limit being set by the available memory in the Z88only be one Z88 Data Organiser application running.
Main Menu
1 Use
Note | ||
| ||
If the SPACE character is used in the FILE NAME, only the first name will be displayed in the YOUR REF. field in the INDEX. |
N returns to SET DEVICE, else Y
The FIELD NAME can be up to 12 characters long
Selecting S gives
Use Menu