Z88 Data Organiser can be started from the INDEX using the cursor bar or can be selected at any time using
O. If Z88 Data Organiser has already been used it will appear in the SUSPENDED ACTIVITIES area of the index from which it can be re-selected using the cursor bar.When it is running, when in the INDEX it will be shown as a suspended activity with the file name used as YOUR REF. There can only be one Z88 Data Organiser application running.
Pressing the
Main Menu
1 Use
Warning | ||
| ||
Do not use the space character in file names. Only the first name will be used. |
N returns to SET DEVICE, else Y
The FIELD NAME can be up to 12 characters long
Selecting S gives
Use Menu
1 Find
Before finding anything, there needs to be some data in the database. Go to Add if this is the first time through.
After some records are entered, find may be used.
Returns to the FIND GLASGOW screen.
2 Add
Add allows the individual fields to be entered into the record.
Now that the database has been described, the data may be entered.
If a blank line is entered the CONTINUE FINISH prompt is displayed.
When all the FIELDS are entered, select Finish and then either Save, Edit or Abort. Saving this entry selects the next record (ADD 2) to be entered.