Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


To re-open the file type


To check whether a file is open, type


Memory variables example:

}LET user$="FRED" -ENTER-Image Added
}? user$ -ENTER-Image Added
}LET number=42
}? number -ENTER-Image Added
}? number * 12 -ENTER-Image Added
}LET NEWUSER$="Sheila" -ENTER-Image Added
}? user$+" and "+newuser$ -ENTER-Image Added
FRED and Sheila


The result of a function may also be assigned to a variable, e.g. to set up a variable holding the current system date:

}LET today$=date() -ENTER-Image Added
}? today$ -ENTERImage Added

}LET ramspace=ram() -ENTER-Image Added
}? ramspace -ENTER-Image Added

In assigning function results to a variable, care must be exercised in ensuring that the variable name used matches the result of the function. DATE() returns a string whereas RAM() returns a number. The variable names used reflect that. A DATA TYPE MIS-MATCH error will result from ignoring this rule.


From the Z88 INDEX, use the cursor to access PipeDream by moving the cursor to the PipeDream application and pressing -ENTER-Image Added. A new PipeDream document will be opened.


Having defined the file structure, it must be saved. Press tPress Image AddedFS, followed by a file name, say VIDEO.DEF. Move the ò 4 lines to the Save plain text prompt and enter <Y>. The -ENTER-TheImage Added key will then save this structure file in a form to be accessed by zBASE in the next stage.



The file is then in an open state at record 0 in whichever usage area was active at the time the command was entered.


In order to get a new record open, ready for this information, at the prompt enter:


This command creates a new record with all fields blank. Numeric fields are set to 0 (zero).


The AT GET command is for operator input. The program stops with the cursor sitting in the position defined by the AT GET and waits for input from the keyboard. The input must be followed by -ENTER-Image Added . In this example, the input from the operator will be stored in the memory variable called mtape_no$.


By entering blanks, or rather by pressing -ENTER-Image Added with the variable blank, the program releases the currently held memory variables and then RETURNS to the calling program. If the program was called from the curly prompt, control reverts to the interactive mode.


and it will appear as follows ..... 
Dracula in Loveion
with the cursor flashing on the 'i' after Love.

If -ENTER- is Image Added is pressed at this point, the field will contain the characters as on the screen. Press -ENTER-Image Added and then

Dracula in Loveion


Equally, with the cursor on the 'i', tG pressed 3 times will remove the 3 offending letters.

When -ENTER-Image Added is pressed, the contents of the field will be written back to the record.


At position 4,64 on the screen, the letter 'Y' will be displayed with the flashing cursor on it. If the -ENTER-Image Added key is hit, or the letter 'Y', the value of confirm$ will remain as 'Y'. If any other letter or number is hit, that will be the new value of confirm$.


PipeDream format, with the PD option at the end of the line, would create a file with each record on a line with -TAB-Image Added characters between fields. To load the file in PipeDream it must be loaded as Plain Text. Any fields of width greater than 12 will appear to be condensed. They are still there but the individual column widths will have to be reset to the required width in order to get all the data to appear.

To do this, load the newly created PD file under PipeDream. Enter Y to the Load as plain text prompt. Alter the width of each column in turn using tWusing Image AddedW. For the VIDEO file, the first column should be 3 characters wide, plus a couple for neatness. To set a width of say 5, position the cursor in column A and enter tW. Set new width to 5 and press -ENTER-Image Added This will set column A to 5 characters wide.

Press -TAB-Image Added and position the cursor in column B. tW  Image AddedW then 22 then -ENTER-Image Added will set the title column width to 22. Each column can then be set to its required width for use under PipeDream.
