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About Wordmongers Limited


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Wordmongers zBASE
Database suite for Z88
Manual zbman1 v0.02 190888
zBASE v1

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namezBase Manual.docx

A Microsoft Word version with thanks to Detlef Obermann,

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zBASE is a ROM based application package for the Cambridge Computer Z88 portable. It is a database that allows users store information easily.

There are two formats of the manual.


Selecting zBASE

zBASE can be started from the INDEX using the cursor bar or can be selected at any time using W. If zBASE has already been used it will appear in the SUSPENDED ACTIVITIES area of the index from which it can be re-selected using the cursor bar. 


The same is true of the Help screen.


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name20150327 zBASE.z88
Wordmongers zBASE
Database suite for Z88
Manual zbman1 v0.02 190888
zBASE v1




Acknowledgement & Thanks

zBASE Quick start guide


zBASE Manual

IntroductionCopyright & Trademark noticesDisclaimerHandling, ROM's & installing the software
 Manual conventionsImportant basic conceptsDatabase areasVariables
Interactive versus Command file

An introduction to databases

FilesRecordsFieldsData types
Index key fields

How to create a data file

Defining fields, width, typeCreating the file within zBASEOpening and closing database filesChecking structure


To create the index fileUsing FINDAdding data to an indexed fileTech note re INDEX file sizes

Retrieving data

Entering data

At curly promptVariables and Top Bit CharactersUsing command (do) file

Amending data

At curly promptUsing command filesDeleting data

Selection and control

Using command files

Manipulating data files

COPY TO filename [PD] [FOR <cond>] [DELIMITED] [FOR <cond>]APPEND FROM filenameCOPY TO filename <[STRUC-
TURE] / [PD]>
COPY TO <filename> STRUC-
Using command filesDeleting dataSelection and controlManipulating data files

Moving around a file




Indirect variables


zBASE output to printer port

Z88 output facilities

n+ P n+ S

System Limits

Precedence of operators

Using multiple databases

Importing files from PD

Using Z88 popdowns


zBASE Commands


zBASE Functions


zBASE Programs

Sample programsStock Control System


Congratulations on choosing zBASE. The Z88 Portable offers a wide range of built-in facilities. With the addition of zBASE, the Z88 comes of age.



Getting familiar with a new piece of software is often tedious and sometimes daunting. To provide a Quick demonstration to those who are new to zBASE, this Quick start guide is a short tutorial aimed at providing a rapid introduction to the system.



The Quick Start Guide is designed to be a brief exposure to the major facilities of zBASE. Those new to database languages may find this a very useful starting point.


See Manual conventions

Important basic concepts

zBASE is a command driven database language with over 40 commands and functions. This provides a powerful facility for programming the Z88 for data manipulation. To those familiar with dBASE II, the granddaddy database program, there should be a feeling of having seen it all before. Given that imitation is the most sincere form of flattery, these similarities are purely intentional. However, for a variety of reasons, not least of which is a 32K ROM space, not all dBASE II facilities are emulated. Equally, some have been altered in an attempt to improve and to provide a better fit with the Z88.


An introduction to databases

The following sections describe the building of a database file and its interrogation. It should be read through to the end. However, computer users are notorious for skipping manual pages. In this case, all the available commands with their syntax are explained in Section B and those wishing to learn by their mistakes are invited to use that section of the manual.


How to create a data file

Having worked out the fields required in the database, the process of creating that file under zBASE starts with PipeDream.


Database open in 1: is VIDEO
42 bytes/rec

Indexing and Index files

Most databases contain information which is entered in a random fashion. There is no pattern to the way the data are organised. zBASE uses a system known as INDEXING as a means of holding a file so that it appears to be in a specific sorted order.


When used in conjunction with an indexed file, the DISP and LIST commands are very powerful. The FIND command is used to arrive at the first occurrence of the required value, then the DISP or LIST command, with its condition, can be used to show all the records which match, from that point in the file to the end.

Entering data

At curly prompt



Amending data (Changing values, deleting records)

At curly prompt

Amending data is the same operation as entering data. The same LET command is used and the new data overwrites the old.


See also the PACK.PRG file.

Selection and control

One of the prime functions of a database language is not only to facilitate easy input and amending of data, but also easy retrieval of selected bits of the data.



Manipulating data files

Data is collected for a variety of reasons. Sometimes its like an antique collection with bits of information collected so long ago that there is no relevance to that data. However, assuming the data is to be used, it must be available in different forms. This is especially true on the Z88 when it will often be used as a temporary home for data to be transferred to another micro.


This version of the command will create a new database file with the same structure as the current file. The new file will have no records.

Moving around a file

These commands position the record pointer to the selected record. If the record number is known, the 'GO record number' command is the fastest method of reaching a record.


These commands position the pointer to the respective position at the top or bottom of the file. The record to which it is pointed is a live record and is not in front of the beginning of the file nor is it after the end. i.e. GO BOTTOM will go to the last record not to the end of file so EOF() will return FALSE.


-ESC- ON/OFF (v1.3 only)

The switch allows programs to ignore attempts to -ESC- and is activated by typing Set Esc=Off (deactivated by Set Esc=On) in interactive mode or by inserting it to a command line.


It is a programmers tool to show what command line is being executed. It is most use when debugging command files. It makes a mess of the screen but displays each command line as it is executed.

Indirect variables


In dBASE II, these are referred to as MACROS. These & characters mean that the variable which follows the & is evaluated before being executed. In any command line from the keyboard or a command file, in which an indirect variable is found, the &variable is first replaced by the value it represents. e.g.


See section C for a program for printing address labels.

Z88 output facilities

The copy commands explained above provide an opportunity to output to PipeDream. The method described below permits all the screen output to also go to a file or the printer.


  • The maximum number of records permitted in a zBASE file is 65535.
  • The maximum command line length is 255.
  • The maximum string variable length is 255. (Memory or field).
  • Maximum number of fields per record is 32.
  • Max number of nesting of IF/ENDIF loops is 255.
  • Max number of nested DO WHILE's is 32
  • Max number of nested DO files is 16
  • Max area for memory variables is 512 bytes
  • Max length of variable name is 8 characters
  • Numbers are significant to 9 digits.
  • Max number of decimal places is 8.

Precedence of Operators

zBASE does not consider one type of operator any more important than another. All mathematical expressions are evaluated from left to right. The only exception to this rule is that the contents of brackets are evaluated first. Programmers will quickly notice that expressions with brackets are evaluated relatively slowly, and that sorting out the expression will make the program run faster.


There will be one record in the VIDSTAR file for each star in the film. So if the film has three stars, the VIDSTAR file will have three records, where the REF_NUM is the same as the REF_NUM of the films record in the VIDEO file, and the STAR field holds the name of one of the three stars. An example will help:

TITLE$Trading Places12Eddie Murphy
TYPE$COM12Dan Aykroyd
TAPE_NO$312Jamie Lee Curtis


The data for the VIDSTAR file must be entered when the other details of the video are being entered. To alter the program VIDINP.PRG to do this, find the line in the program:


Each record of this database will contain one line of the report, which will be loading into, and printed from, PipeDream. This means three databases have to be manipulated:

VIDEOThe main database containing details of the video.
VIDSTAR+ VIDSTAR.NDX. Holds details of the stars, indexed on reference number so they can be found quickly.
REPContains the lines of the report and is built up by the program.

The REP file is open from start to finish in area 1, and the other two are opened and closed as necessary in area 2.


The phone book from the Quick Start Guide might look like this in PipeDream. It is called PH.DAT and is stored as PLAIN TEXT.

1Cambridge312216Sir Clive
2Rakewell630617Vic Gerhardi
3UserClub68 Well StRoy
4Scotland Yd877 1212Insp Bond

The QSG section has a structure of


Editing command files and instantly testing them is 
extremely simple. It can be done by using nP to go into 
Pipedream, and nW to return to zBASE.

zBASE Pocket Ref. Guide


Lowercaseoperator input, usually enclosed in < > brackets.
UPPERCASEspecific zBASE commands or command words.
[....]Optional parts of commands.
<...>Operator specified input.
<exp>...An expression which can result in either a number or a string. e.g. 5+5, "FRED"+"BLOGGS", a$+"MUMMY".
<var> ...A variable, can mean either mvar or fvar.
<mvar>...A memory variable, not stored in a database, but in a large buffer in RAM. An mvar is defined as a string if its name ends with a '$', otherwise, it is defined as a number.
<fvar>...A field variable, permanently stored in a database. Fields must start with either a 1: or 2: label, depending on the database they are to be taken from. If the label is missing the field will be taken as a mvar.

A condition which returns the result either TRUE or FALSE. e.g. 10=10 is TRUE,

10=6 is FALSE,


A single number 0 is evaluated as FALSE, any other number is TRUE.


Only the first 4 characters of a keyword are significant.

zBASE commands

adds comments to a command file
? [<exp>]
displays the value of an expression.
# [<exp>]
sends the value of <exp> expression through the serial port to the printer.
AT <co-ordinates> SAY <exp>
displays the value of the <exp> expression at the specified co-ordinates.
AT <co-ordinates> GET <var>
formats fields on screen for operator input.
adds a blank record to the database in use
APPEND FROM <filename> [PD]/[DELIMITED] [FOR <exp>] ]
adds new records to the current database from another database or Pipedream file.
clears the screen.
extension to LOCATE command to move to next match.
COPY TO <filename> [FOR <cond>]
creates new database from current one with optional conditional selection.
COPY TO <filename> [PD] {DELIMITED] [FOR<cond>]
copies data from current file to new format with optional conditional pull.
creates a database file with same structure as current file, or a Pipedream file of the structure.
CREATE <file1> FROM <file2>
creates zBASE file called 'file1' from Pipedream file 'file2' of format FIELD_NAME, with $ if a string field COMMA, WIDTH if its string field.
marks current record for deletion.
removes selected file from directory.
shows on screen the selected option related to current use of database, memory variables and files respectively.
DISPLAY <[ALL] / [FOR <cond>]> <[FIELDS field,field,field]>
shows data from current file in use
[ALL] - shows seven records before pausing.
DO <command file>
runs a command file.
 runs the commands enlosed in loop as long as <cond> is TRUE.
FIND <exp>
searches fo key field match in indexed file.
GO [<exp> / <BOTTOM> / <TOP>]
moves record pointer to <exp>th record or top/bottom.
IF <cond> - ELSE - ENDIF
runs the commands after IF if <cond> is TRUE, otherwise runs commands after ELSE.
INDEX ON <fvar> TO <filename>
creates an index file in order of fvar.
LET <var>=<exp>
establishes a value for a variable.
works as DISPLAY without the pause every 8 lines.
[ALL] - shows all records without pausing.
moves record pointer to first record in file for which <cond> is TRUE.
closes all files and zBASE application.
removes DELETE mark on a record
RELEASE <mvar>
removes specified memory variables.
RENAME <file1> TO <file2>
changes name of file.
stops running current command file and returns control to previous command file or curly prompt.
SELECT <[1 or 2]>
opens selected database area.
SKIP [<exp>]
moves record pointer <exp> records along.
USE [<file>]
closes current file and opens <file> if specified.
USE file INDEX file
opens database in current area with index file.
pauses operation until a key is pressed.

zBASE Functions

CHR(<exp>)returns charater with ASCIIcode exp.
CLI (<exp$)sends <exp$> to the OZ CLI function for immediate execution.
DATE()provides current system date.
DELETED()returns 1 or 0 (TRUE / FALSE) to reflect status of current record.
EOF()returns 1 or 0 if end of file has been reached or not respectively.
FILE(<exp$>)responds with TRUE if file defined by exp does exist.
INT(<exp>)returns integer from exp.
LEN(<exp$>)shows length of string variable specified.
LOWER(<exp$>)turns string into lower case.
LTRIM(<exp$>)removes left hand blanks in string exp.
RAM()reveals RAM space available on currently selected device.
RECNO()returns current record number.
SET ECHOtoggles echoing of all commands to screen.
STRTo emulate a STR function use &.
} LET A=2.03
} LET A$="&A"
} ? "-"+a$+"-"
extracts the sub-string from exp1$ defined as starting at position exp2, of length exp3.
TIME()displays system time.
TRIM(<exp$>)removes trailing blanks.
UPPER(<exp$>)converts string exp$ to upper case.
VAL(<exp$>)converts ASCII string to its numeric equivalnet.
shows the starting character position for where exp1$ occurs in exp2$.

zBASE Commands

Most of the zBASE commands may be used both in the interactive mode at the curly prompt, or in program files or command files. The main exceptions to this rule are that related pairs of commands such as IF/ENDIF and DO WHILE/ENDDO may not be used in the interactive mode.


The file shown below, having been saved as PLAIN TEXT, will then be appended onto the end of the database.

1Cambridge312216Sir Clive
2Rakewell630617Vic Gerhardi
3UserClub68 Well StRoy
4Scotland Yd877 1212Insp Bond

The DELIMITED clause means the fields are separated by commas and the records by CR (0Dh) LF (0Ah). This is a common format output by dBase and many spreadsheets.


The following file would be appended to the database in use.

1Cambridge,312216,Sir Clive
2Rakewell,630617,Vic Gerhardi
3UserClub,68 Well St,Roy
4Scotland Yd,877 1212,Insp Bond

If the PD and DELIMITED instructions are omitted the file is assumed to be a zBASE file.


  1. One line per field in database.
  2. No blank lines, and no extra CR at the end of the last field.
  3. All string field names end in $, followed by a comma and a number indicating the length of the field (1-255).
  4. Numeric fields have just the name on the line, nothing else.


NAME$,25NAME is a string field, length 25
AGEAGE is a numeric field
SCORE$,10<END>SCORE is a string field, length 10

Any stray CRs, or text in the wrong place may cause strange results.


If the MEMORY clause if used, the memory variables and their values are listed on screen. e.g.

address1$STRING"54 Moor Road"

If the STATUS clause is used the machines current status is displayed on screen.


} ? WHERE("23","1234")
} ? WHERE("HELLO",UPPER("hello world"))
} ? WHERE("78","1234")

zBASE Programs

The programs listed in this manual are designed to be indications only of the potential of zBASE. They are for users to amend to suit their own purposes and are not intended as complete solutions. They have not been exhaustively tested.


Wordmongers retains all copyright in them.

MAIN.PRGA menu program for database management
NEWUN.PRGCalled by MAIN to enter new records.
APPEND.PRGA command file to make data entry easier.
APPEND.DEFA database structure file for use by the APPEND program.
PACK.PRGTo remove deleted records from a file
PHENT.PRGPhone book entry program
FPROGFind program for phone book
VIDINP.PRGInput routine for VIDEO file
STARINP.PRGInput for stars in Videos
VIDREP.PRGReport generator for video system
Stock Check suite.See introduction page for this suite.


* MAIN.PRG - A menu program for database file * management.


Here is a list of the files required to run the system. The files can be obtained by sending a blank 32k eprom to us or downloading the zip file.

File NameBytesDescription
REP.DEF128Definition of file used in stock report
SCFETCH.EXE512CLI File to extract these files from EPROM
SCOUTPRO.PRG1280Outputs the Product file in PD format
SCOUTSUP.PRG1280Outputs the Supplier file in PD format
SCPACK.PRG768Cleans, Packs & Reindexs the Databases
SCPROD384The Product database
SCPROD.DEF128The Definition of the Product database
SCPROD.NDX128The index for the Product database
SCSIAM.PRG1408Amend Product
SCSIBACK.PRG640Skip back one product
SCSIDELE.PRG512Delete a product
SCSIFIND.PRG640Find a product
SCSIINP.PRG1920Input a product
SCSIMAIN.PRG2176Products file maintenance menu
SCSINEXT.PRG384Skip forward a product
SCSIRECA.PRG512Recall a deleted product
SCSTART.PRG1152The main menu
SCSTKREP.PRG2944The stock report
SCSTOCK.PRG1920Amend stock numbers
SCSUAM.PRG1408Amend suppliers
SCSUFIND.PRG768Find a supplier
SCSUINP.PRG2048Input a supplier
SCSUMAIN.PRG2432Suppliers file maintenance menu
SCSUPP384The Suppliers Database
SCSUPP.NDX128The index file for the supplier file
SCSUPP.DEF128The definition of the supplier file
ZBDEMO.DOC4400This file
ZBRUN256The Autoexec file


