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We present here a short example program in BASIC. The error handler copes with pre-emption, responding to RC_QUIT by calling BASIC's own error handler. This will not close files, filters wildcards, or memory however, so if you use these features you must modify the error handler to close these things first before calling BASIC. The program here does something which BASIC cannot normally do, which is to read the update date of a file. When the program is run it assembles the code and asks for a filename. It attempts to open the file for DOR access, indicating failure with a system error box, and then reads the update date. Finally, having released the DOR handle, the program displays the explicit filename, expanded by GN_Opf, and the update date.

This listing can be 'loaded' by CLI. Mark a block for the program only in column A below, and save it as a text file. Then execute eg. from the FILER popdown.

1000 DIM code 512                   \ space for program
1010 REM
1020 GN_Esp=&4C09                   \ return pointer to system error message
1040 GN_Nln=&2E09                   \ carriage return, linefeed to std. output
1050 GN_Sop=&3A09                   \ output string to std. output
1060 GN_Opf=&6009                   \ open file
1070 OS_Erh=&75                     \ install error handler
1080 OS_Esc=&6F                     \ examine special condition
1090 GN_Err=&4A09                   \ standard system error box
1100 GN_Sdo=&0E09                   \ date and time to standard output
1110 OS_Dor=&87                     \ DOR interface
1120 dr_rd=&09                      \ read DOR record
1130 dr_fre=&05                     \ free DOR handle
1140 op_dor=&06                     \ open file for DOR access
1150 rc_quit=&67                    \ KILL request error code
1160 rc_esc=&01                     \ escape detection error code
1180 FOR pass=0 TO 2 STEP 2
1190 P%=code
1200 [ 
1210 OPT pass 
1220 LD HL,0 
1230 ADD  HL,SP                     \ get stack pointer
1240 LD   (bstk),HL                 \ save current BASIC stack pointer
1250 LD   SP,(&1FFE)                \ install safe stack pointer 
1270 XOR A 
1280 LD B,A 

1290 LD   HL,errhan                 \ address of error handler
1300 OPT  FNsys(OS_Erh)             \ install new error handler
1310 LD   (obou),A                  \ save old error handler call level
1320 LD   (oerr),HL                 \ save old error handler address
1330 CALL main                      \ call main routine
1340 .exit 

1350 LD   HL,(oerr)                 \ address of old error handler
1360 LD   A,(obou)                  \ old call level
1370 LD B,0 

1380 OPT  FNsys(OS_Erh)             \ restore old error handler
1390 LD   SP,(bstk)                 \ install BASIC stack pointer
1400 RET                            \ return to BBC BASIC interpreter
1420 .errhan 
1430 RET Z 

1440 CP   rc_esc                    \ ESC pressed?
1450 JR NZ,err1 

1460 OPT  FNsys(OS_Esc)             \ acknowledge ESC
1470 LD A,rc_esc 

1480 OR   A                         \ return rc_esc back to main program
1490 RET                            \ Fc = 0, Fz = 0
1500 .err1 

1510 CP   rc_quit                   \ KILL request?
1520 JR NZ,err2 

1530 LD   HL,(oerr)                 \ re-install old error handler
1540 LD   A,(obou)                  \ old call level
1550 OPT FNsys(OS_Erh) 

1560 LD   SP,(bstk)                 \ install BASIC stack pointer
1570 LD HL,(oerr) 

1580 LD   A, rc_quit                \ reload A with RC_QUIT
1590 OR   A                         \ Fz = 0
1400 SCF                            \ Fc = 1
1410 JP   (HL)                      \ jump to BASIC's error handler

1430 .err2                          \ write error message if possible
1440 OR   A                         \ Fc = 0
1450 RET 
1470 .bstk DEFW 0                   \ storage for BASIC stack pointer
1480 .obou DEFB 0                   \ storage for old call level
1490 .oerr DEFW 0                   \ storage for old error handler address
1510 \ main routine starts here 
1520 .main 
1530 LD   HL,scratch_1              \ holds address of file to open
1540 LD   DE,scratch_2              \ explicit name buffer
1550 LD   C,40                      \ size of explicit name buffer
1560 LD   B,0                       \ HL string pointer is local
1570 LD   a, op_dor                 \ get DOR handle
1580 OPT  FNsys(GN_Opf)             \ open...
1590 JR NC,opened_OK
1600 OPT  FNsys(GN_Err)             \ report error in standard window 
1610 RET 1620 .opened_OK 
1630 LD   A,dr_rd                   \ read DOR record
1640 LD   B,ASC"U"                  \ read update information
1650 LD   C,6                       \ 3 byte internal date, 3 byte int. time
1660 LD   DE,scratch_1              \ store returned information at (DE)
1670 OPT  FNsys(OS_Dor)             \ fetch update date 
1680 LD A,dr_fre 
1690 OPT  FNsys(OS_Dor)             \ free DOR handle
1700 LD   HL,scratch_2              \ display explicit filename
1710 OPT  FNsys(GN_Sop)             \ to standard output 
1720 LD HL,tab_str 
1730 OPT  FNsys(GN_Sop)             \ tab to column 40 
1740 LD HL,scratch_1 
1750 OPT  FNsys(GN_Sdo)             \ output returned update date
1760 OPT  FNsys(GN_Nln)             \ display newline
1770 RET                            \ back to BASIC 
1790 .scratch_1 DEFM STRING$(40,"X") 
1800 .scratch_2 DEFM STRING$(40,"X") 
1810 .tab_str DEFM CHR$1+"2X"+CHR$(32+40)+CHR$0 
1820 ] 
1830 NEXT pass 
1850 CLS 
1860 PRINT "Read File Update Date and Time" 
1870 INPUT "Filename:"A$ 
1880 IF LEN(a$)>40 THEN PRINT "String too long": END 

1890 A$=A$+CHR$0                    \ null-terminate filename string
1900 $scratch_1=A$ 
1910 CALL code 
1920 END 
1930 DEF FNsys(arg) 
1940 IF arg>255 THEN [OPT pass: RST &20: DEFW arg] :=pass 
1950 [OPT pass: RST &20: DEFB arg] :=pass

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