28th September 2012

The Z88 Development Team is proud to release EazyLink2 V1.0 Beta 2. This point release is our second public release after a couple of months of first beta testing. The client is now finally available for Windows XP+, Mac OS X for Intel CPUs & Linux for Intel CPUs. To fully utilize all features, we recommend to also install the Z88 EazyLink popdown V5.2 or later, which this client uses to communicate optimally with the Z88 (mandatory version is V5.0).

PlatformVersionSizeAddedInstallation notesDownload Link

Download EXE installer to desktop, double-click to start installation. Supported to run on Windows XP SP2+, Vista & 7.

eazylink2-1.0-BETA2-linux-installer.run11.1MB2012/09/28Download RUN installer to Gnome / KDE (or other X-Windows based) desktop, apply chmod +x, then execute from command line or desktop file browser. Supported to install and run on DEB package distributions like Debian & Ubuntu, RPM package distributions like Fedora, Mandriva, OpenSuse and PcLinuxOS.
EazyLink2-1.0-BETA2-Mac-Installer.dmg22.9MB2012/09/28Download installer image to desktop, double-click to installer image. Drag to Application icon. Supported to run on Mac OS X 10.6 (Snow Leopard) and newer. Use CTRL and double-click on 10.8 (Mountain Lion) to install (this is an unsigned installer).

Main features in this release (compared to Beta 1)

To know more about the features available, read the Beta 1 Release Notes.

Work done in this release

Below you will see the list of work and features with all the technical details, that we have done. Click on the links to read issue contents: