Register parameters

     IX = memory handle (from previous OS_Mop)
	 B = bank
     H = page address high byte (can be different than page used in OS_Axm for a partial release)
     L = number of contiguous pages to be released (can be lower than amount allocated in OS_Axm for a partial release)
OUT:  Fc = 0, release successful
      Fc = 1, A = RC_Fail if bad arguments
	          A = RC_Err if unrecoverable error occurred (fatal error)

Registers changed after return:
     ..BCDE.L/IXIY same
     AF....H./.... different


This call provides a release of a contiguous explicit memory area previously allocated. Partial release of allocated memory is possible. Refer to explicit memory allocation for further informations. This system call is only available in OZ release V4.6 and newer.

Related calls

OS_Axm, Allocate explicit memory
Axp, Allocate explicit page
OS_Bix, Bind in extended address 
OS_Box, Restore bindings after OS_Bix 
OS_Fc, Select fast code (fast bank switching) 
OS_Fma, Find memory for allocation   
OS_Mal, Allocate memory
OS_Mcl, Close memory (free memory pool) 
OS_Mfr, Free (previously allocated block) memory 
OS_Mgb, Get current bank binding in segment 
OS_Mop, Open memory (allocate memory pool) 
OS_Mpb, Set new bank binding in segment
OZ_Mgb, Get current bank binding in segment
OZ_Mpb, Set new bank binding in segment