Converting Files

Converting Files

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Although the following programs are being considered for PipeDream File conversion, the majority of files are just transferred as 'Plain Text' files and then used on the target word processor. What happens if the text formatting needs to be retained, or the formulae in spreadsheets are retained? This is what this section is exploring.


PC PipeDream


Conversion Programs



Lotus Approach


Word 2013

Excel 2013


PC PipeDream

Conversion is done when saving files.

When saving files, 

 File Save 

The file is usually saved as PipeDream file. When converting a file, the only line that we are interested in is the last one which gives five options.


FormatTo be usedType of FileNameComments
PdIn PipeDreamMulti functionPipeDream 
LotusIn SpreadsheetsContains formulaesLotus 1-2-3Microsoft do not convert this file format in Excel 2013.
Lotus /IBM SmartSuite Approach 9 has issues in Windows 8.
CommaIn DatabasesOne line per record, commas separating fieldsComma delimited 
TabIn Word processing Plain Text 
AutoWhen LoadingWill load correct format if saved by PipeDream  


IBM have taken over from Lotus with the Smartsuite product and it is still available.  Fortunately, I still have that product. The oldest one that has AmiPro 3.1 for Windows 3 installed on the Virtual Windows xp Professional using the same procedure below.

This program supports the following conversions.

Word Processing

  • MS Word Word 97 (*.DOC), MS Word Word for DOS 3, 4, 5, 6 (*.DOC), MS Word Word for OS/2 (*.DOC), MS Word Word for Windows 1.0 (*.DOC), MS Word Word for Windows 2.0 (*.DOC), MS Word Word for Windows 6.0 (*.DOC), MS Word Word for Windows95 7.0 (*.DOC).


  • Lotus 1-2-3 (*.W*), Lotus 1-2-3  97 (*123),Lotus 1-2-3 for OS/2 (*.WG*),Lotus 1-2-3 R3 (*.WK3),Lotus 1-2-3 R4 (*.WK4),
  • MS Excel (*.XLS), MS Excel 3.0 (*.XLS), MS Excel 4.0 (*.XLS), MS Excel 5.0 (*.XLS), MS Excel 7.0 (*.XLS), MS Excel 97 (*.XLS), 


  • dBase/ANSI (*.DBF), dBase/ASCII (*.DBF)

A full listing of all the conversions are listed here.



 Input FilesOutput Files

Fireworkz for Windows was released after PC PipeDream. It can only convert PipeDream files into Lotus 1-2-3 format and not the other way round. Download may be obtained from here.

Summary of Conversions

File ConversionFile Ext  Type of FileProgram File ExtOSNotes

*.pd >Plain Text FileWord-processorZ88 PipeDream .txtOZThis is the easiest way of just using text. It ignores any formatting commands. Do not use columns, just do all the typing in Col A.
PipeDream*.pd >TAB FileWord-processorPC PipeDream .txtDOSThis is the easiest way of just using text. It ignores any formatting commands. Do not use columns, just do all the typing in Col A.
PipeDream*.pd >WordStarWord-processorPTWPC Link2*.wsDOS 
PipeDream*.pd >Lotus 1-2-3SpreadsheetFireworkz *.wk1Win 32bit 
PipeDream*.pd >Lotus 1-2-3SpreadsheetPC PipeDream *.wk1DOS 
PipeDream*.pd >Lotus 1-2-3SpreadsheetPTLPC Link2*.wk1DOS 
PipeDream*.pd >CommaDatabasePC PipeDream *.csvDOS 


Example transferring spreadsheet from 
PipeDream to Lotus 1-2-3 and then back again

Design a test spreadsheet

It was decided to have a look on the web to see if there was a spreadsheet that could be used as a test. It was decided to use a paper that had been written about the issues and then use the examples there to convert between the two programs.









Abacus Training


Return to text - Fireworkz

When, why and how to test spreadsheets


Return to text - Design a test spreadsheet

Lotus 1-2-3 Converters

ABC Amber Lotus 1-2-3 Converter - Description - Download - Does not look that the product is supported.

123 to Excel - Description

PC File Conversion


Return to text - 

Graham Mayor
... helping to ease the lives of Microsoft Word users.


Return to text - 

Kingfisher Corner

- Utility software


Return to text





Project Area

Tips for Importing Lotus 1-2-3 Files to Excel


Give Feedback - Tell us why and what can we do to improve this information

This only confirmed what I already knew.

I want to be able to convert Lotus 1-2-3 *.wk1 files into Excel 2013.

Microsoft have withdrawn that conversion option.

Please consider re-introducing it again as most legacy software are able to export a Lotus 1-2-3 file.

The Microsoft Office Converter Pack (convpack.exe) program I originally used only supports Microsoft Office 4x, 95, 97,2000 or XP.

How to Use the Microsoft Office Converter Pack


Office Converter Pack


This only confirmed what I already knew. I want to be able to convert

Lotus 1-2-3 *.wk1 files into Excel 2013 and
WordStar *.ws files into Word 2013

Legacy software are able to export these types of files.

Microsoft have withdrawn that conversion option in Office 2013.

Please consider re-introducing the Microsoft Office Converter Pack (convpack.exe) program for Microsoft Office 4x, 95, 97,2000 or XP and add the later versions of Office including Office 2013.



Working Area

IBM Lotus 123 Millennium Edition



In this manual, anything displayed on the Cambridge Z88 screen is shown in a computer typeface, such as

Name of file to save

Anything that you should type at the keyboard is shown in a different typeface to designate the keyboard keys; for example

You are invited to a party

The keys on the keyboard with a special function are shown in the text with key legends. So, for example, if you are asked to type



you would actually type the letters m y f i l e and then press the 


In general, references to menu headings are in bold caps; for example LAYOUT.

References to individual commands are in bold; for example Save or Load.

References to options displayed by a command are in italics; for example Save only range of columns.

The 'Square' key is represented using the  symbol, also identified as the 

key on normal PC.

The 'Diamond' key is represented using the  symbol, also identified as the 


The cursor keys are represented as  and  key on normal PC.




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