Appendix C - Error messages
Appendix C - Error messages
PipeDream error messages
-ve root | The argument to the SQR function was negative; eg SQR(-1). |
All columns zero width | Attempt to set the width of all columns to zero. |
Bad argument | The argument to a Next Match ( | BNM) command was given with no prior Search command.
Bad column | The Sort (BSO) command was given with an invalid column specification. |
Bad date | The argument to the DAY, MONTH, or YEAR function is not a valid date; eg DAY(27). |
Bad file | The file specified was not a valid file. |
Bad index | A CHOOSE, or INDEX function was called with an invalid index; eg CHOOSE(-2,1). |
Bad list file | The list file loaded by the Load command ( | FL) does not contain valid file names, or was not saved with the Save Plain text option.
Bad name | The name specified in a Load, Save, or Name command was not a valid file name. |
Bad number | The argument to an Insert Highlights ( | PHI), Remove Highlights ( PHR), Highlight Block ( PHB), or Decimal Places ( LDP) command was not in the valid range.
Bad option | The option was not valid for the command. |
Bad range | The range of slots specified in a Replicate or Save command was not a valid range; eg,
Bad slot | The command was given an invalid slot reference; eg Go to Slot ( | CGS) A0.
Bad A ^ field | The ^ sequence in a Search or Replace string was invalid; e.g.
Divide by 0 | An expression attempted to divide by zero; eg 2/0. |
Edge | The block being copied or moved would not fit within the maximum possible sheet size; eg, an attempt to copy from A1 Z6 to AA1. |
Editing expression | The specified command is not available while editing an expression; eg, Load ( | FL).
End of list file | The end of the List file has been reached; eg Bottom File ( | FB) at the end of a document.
Escape | The
key was pressed while processing a document. |
Exp range | The range of the EXP function was exceeded; e.g. EXP(100). |
Expression too long | The string of text is too long to be entered into a slot; i.e. longer than 240 characters. |
FP overflow | An expression resulted in a number too large to be represented; eg, 100^100. |
Log range | The argument to the LOG function was invalid; eg LOG(-1). |
Lookup | The LOOKUP function could not find a successful match. |
Loop | Two slots containing string values reference each other. |
Memory full | No more memory is available for the current sheet. |
No list file | A multi-file command such as Bottom File ( | FB) was given with no List file loaded, or after the List file was cancelled due to an error.
No marked block | The command requires a marked block; eg Move. |
Overlap | The source and destination blocks, specified in a Move or Copy command, overlap. |
Propagated | The expression slot refers to another slot with an error. |
Stack overflow | The expression is too complex for evaluation. |
Too few arguments | An IF, CHOOSE, or INDEX function has been specified with too few arguments; eg, INDEX(2). |
Too long | The length of line that would result after a Join Lines or Replace command is longer than 240 characters, or the string specified in a Search or Replace command is longer than 240 characters. |
Too many columns | The Add Column ( | EAC) or Insert Column ( EIC) command was given in a document which already has 42 columns, the maximum number.
Typing error | The expression is invalid; eg, A1+*3. |
Diary error messages
Diary error messages are displayed in the DIARY DATE window between the date and mode.
Memory Low | The user should take immediate action to delete data from the Diary, files, or suspended applications. Delete a line to free memory with
, followed by Y to free more entries. |
No String | Tried to Search or Replace with null string. |
No Room | The Save Position command ( | CSP) was given with five positions already saved.
No Marker | Search/Replace between markers etc. |
Not Marked | Next/Previous Match (Search within block) when cursor is outside block. |
Date Range | An attempt was made to move outside the legal date range. |
Overlaps | A block operation was attempted with the cursor inside the block. |
n Found | Final message after Replace command. |
In addition system error messages, such as 'File not found' are displayed in another window on top of the operation being performed. |
BBC BASIC error messages
0 | No room | 24 | EXP range | |||
1 | Out of range | 26 | No such variable | |||
2 | Byte | 27 | Missing ) | |||
3 | Index | 28 | Bad hex | |||
4 | Mistake | 29 | No such FN/PROC | |||
5 | Missing | 30 | Bad call | |||
6 | Type mismatch | 31 | Arguments | |||
7 | No FN | 32 | No FOR | |||
8 | $ range | 33 | Can't match FOR | |||
9 | Missing | 34 | FOR variable | |||
10 | Bad DIM | 36 | No TO | |||
11 | DIM space | 38 | No GOSUB | |||
12 | Not LOCAL | 39 | ON syntax | |||
13 | No PROC | 40 | ON range | |||
14 | Array | 41 | No such line | |||
15 | Subscript | 42 | Out of DATA | |||
16 | Syntax error | 43 | No REPEAT | |||
17 | Escape | 220 | Syntax | |||
18 | Division by zero | 222 | Channel | |||
19 | String too long | 252 | End of file | |||
20 | Too big | 252 | Suspended | |||
21 | -ve root | 252 | File not found | |||
22 | LOG range | 252 | Read protected | |||
23 | Accuracy lost | 252 | Write protected |
, multiple selections available,