Section Four - Using the popdowns

Section Four - Using the popdowns

The Cambridge Z88 popdowns are utility programs that you can make use of while you are working within another application, such as PipeDream, the Diary, or BBC BASIC. They pop down over your application screen, and disappear again when you press 

 to return to the application.

The following popdowns are provided in the Cambridge Z88:

CalculatorR  Perform calculations
CalendarC Look up dates
ClockT See the current time, and today's date
AlarmA Set alarms and reminders
FilerF Perform operations with files
PanelS Customise the Cambridge Z88 to your requirements
Import/ExportX Transfer documents between the Cambridge Z88 and
other makes of computer



or IEnter applications, popdowns, or suspended activities,
and examine which cards are present

Using popdowns

You can either call a popdown by pressing the  key combination given above, or from the 

 as follows:

Calling a popdown from the Index

Highlight the popdown's name on the APPLICATIONS list. You can move the bar highlighting items on this menu by pressing the  and keys at the bottom right of the keyboard. If you move the bar too far, press   to go up again. Then press 

 to run the popdown you have selected.


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