Old plans saved from previous use may be recalled and become the current plan. These old plans are retrieved using option 3 of the opening menu.
A most useful feature of this program is the ability to restart at any time this is achieved by pressing the
key on the top left hand corner. (Commonly known as the OH! shit button). This allows you to play with features ad hoc and end recover at any time. The best way to find out how it works is to keep pushing buttons - it’s really very easy....
This is displayed if the search for your place name was successful. Now type in your next point in the journey i.e. the first destination point. Press and and the search for this place will beginNote: -
Note |
If you are still at the initial stages of learning how to use PILOTS COMPANION then use another airfield name at this stage in the game to speed the production of your first plans. (You can find out how to enter and save self-derived points later on in this manual.) |
If the search for WAYPOINT NO.1 was successful then the message
Note |
that the paper printout contains an identical layout and detail. |
- The display is - split into 2 columns. The left hand column contains the highest priority information the topmost being your required heading.
The right hand column contains lower priority information but will still be useful en-route. - The following words appear on this display.
Point of departure OXFORD is found. NORTHLEACH ROUNDABOUT is not.
The four choices are:-
RE-ENTER NAME OF 'This waypoint'
Enter a different name.
(2) Enter position of ENTER POSITION OF 'This waypoint' by Latitude BY LATTITUDE & LongitudeLONGITUDE
See Defining Waypoints for more details.
(3) Enter position of ENTER POSITION OF 'This waypoint' by Relative LocationBY RELATIVE LOCATION
See Defining Waypoints for more details.
(4) Exit to Main MenuEXIT TO MAIN MENU
The program returns to the Main Menu.
Selects the currently resident plan and runs through it. It is possible to change details such as airspeed, wind, magnetic variation 1 etc. during this operation when requested if required.
Initiates paper printout of the current plan. It is possible to change details such as airspeed, wind, magnetic variation etc. during this operation when requested if required.
Note |
If the printer is not connected then the display of the printout will halt indicating this. |
Pressing will effect a return to the main menu. |
Note | ||
| ||
Note that Diamond and then the key should be pressed after printout is complete to suspend the CLI on the Z88. |
Imitates the sequence for the reverse flight plan trip, starting ' with the original destination point first. The details of airspeed, wind etc. may be changed when requested if required.
1. ADD a NEW location
This selects the menu:
1 Use Latitude & Longitude?
See Defining Waypoints for more details.
2 Use Relative Location?
See Defining Waypoints for more details.
Defining Waypoints
There are two ways of defining waypoints.
The program returns to the Main Menu.
Enter some valid entries
Calculate Density Altitude
Calculate True Airspeed
The program returns to the Main Menu.