The Index popdown

The Index popdown

The Index popdown allows you to

  • Enter popdowns or applications.
  • Start PipeDream (or BBC BASIC) with a new, blank, document (or program).
  • Obtain a list of all the suspended activities you have in the Cambridge Z88, and remove activities you no longer need.
  • Insert and remove RAM, ROM, or EPROM cards, as explained in Section One - Getting started,

The Index screen

Entering an application

To enter an application, or a popdown, select its name on the APPLICATIONS list by moving the highlighting bar up and down with the cursor keys  and , and press the  



When the bar reaches the bottom of the screen, the list scrolls up to show the remaining options.

Entering PipeDream (or BBC BASIC) from the Index APPLICATIONS list creates a new, blank document (or program).

Index can be activated from any application or popdown with 

or I

Suspended activities

The SUSPENDED ACTIVITIES list shows the following information for each suspended activity:

YOUR REF.The name given to the document (with the
PipeDream FC or FL commands, the Diary or
PrinterEd FC, FS, or FL commands, or the
BASIC *NAME command)
APPLICATIONThe application name
WHEN SUSPENDEDThe time and date the document was suspended
CARDSThe number of the card slot, for activities using
an application card

There can be more than one PipeDream and BBC BASIC suspended activity, but only one for each of the other applications.

Re-entering a suspended activity

To re-enter a suspended activity, select it by moving the highlighting bar across with the cursor keys, and then press the 

 key. Alternatively, pressing P or B repeatedly will enter each PipeDream or BBC BASIC activity in turn.

Killing activities - KILL

To kill a suspended activity, select it on the SUSPENDED ACTIVITIES list with the cursor, and type KILL. The activity will be removed from the list, and the document (or program) associated with it will be lost. PURGE is equivalent to a soft reset, which kills all suspended activities, and should therefore be used with great caution.

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