Editing the Diary - EDIT
Editing within a line
Insert/Overtype -
VSwitches the text entry mode between Insert mode, in which characters typed are inserted at the cursor position, and Overtype mode, in which characters type over the previous contents of the line.
The current mode is displayed at the right-hand side of the screen in the DIARY DATE
Delete Character -G |
Deletes the character at the cursor position. All characters to the right of the cursor will move one position to the left to close up the gap.
Delete to End of Line -
DDeletes the text from the cursor position to the end of the line.
Delete Word -
TDeletes all characters from the cursor position to the beginning of the next word. If you position the cursor at the beginning of a word before giving this command, it will delete the word.
Rubout - |
Deletes to the left. In Insert mode all characters at and to the right of the cursor will move left.
Insert Character -
UInserts a blank space at the cursor position.
Swap Case -
SChanges the case of the character at the cursor position and moves the cursor to the next character.
Editing within a day
Delete Line -Y |
Deletes the current line. Text on subsequent lines is moved up one line to close up the gap.
Join Lines -
EJLAdds the text on the next line to the end of the text on the current line.
Insert Line -
NInserts a blank line at the cursor position. The text on the current line and all subsequent lines is moved down one line.
Split Line -
ESLSplits the current line at the cursor position. All characters at, and to the right of the cursor, will be moved to the next line.
Memory Free -
EMFDisplays the amount of space available, in bytes, in the DIARY DATE
window on the right-hand side of the Diary screen. Each byte represents the space needed for a character; approximately 2000 bytes are needed to store a typical A4 page of text.
Next Option -
JAlternates between the available values of an option.