V1.2 Release notes

V1.2 Release notes

14th February 2017

After two years of tuning and bug fixing, the Z88 Development Team has finally released OZvm V1.2. Since V1.1.5, many improvements have been done. Most importantly, hardware emulation of the Blink is now 100% accurate and support for realtime speed (3.2768Mhz). Latest OZ V4.7 ROM release is also bundled and is used by default when the emulator is booting.

OZvm is now available as a native standalone application on all major desktop platforms, executables provided in both 32bit and 64bit where applicable, thanks to generous licenses received by https://www.excelsiorjet.com.

OZvm can be enjoyed on all major desktop platforms, both as simple Java Jar application using an already available Java Runtime (Oracle, OpenJDK), or as a native-compiled, stand-alone application providing huge speed improvements, better responsiveness and less system overhead. 





Installation notes

Download Link

OZvm V1.2 - WindowsXP-installer.exe29.9MB2017/02/13

Download EXE installer to desktop, double-click to start installation. Supported to run on Windows XP SP2+. The executable binaries run on 32bit version of Windows XP. Out-of-the-box execution, requires no Java Runtime.

OZvm V1.2 - Windows-x64-installer.exe35.6MB2017/02/14

Download EXE installer to desktop, double-click to start installation. Supported to run on Windows 10, 8.x, 7 SP1, Server 2012, Server 2008 R2 SP1. The executable binaries run on 64bit version of Windows. Out-of-the-box execution, requires no Java Runtime.

OZvm V1.2 - Linux-installer.run34.4MB2017/03/13

32bit Linux installer. Download RUN installer to Gnome / KDE (or other X-Windows based) desktop, apply chmod +x, then execute from command line or desktop file browser. Supported to install and run on DEB package distributions like Debian & Ubuntu, RPM package distributions like Fedora, Mandriva, OpenSuse and PcLinuxOS. Out-of-the-box execution, requires no Java Runtime. The 32bit executable is distribution independent. Minimum requirement

  • kernel 2.6.16 or above
  • glibc 2.4 or above
OZvm V1.2 - Linux-Arm7hf.tar.bz241.9MB2017/04/10

32bit Linux Arm7 application archive. Download bzip2 archive, then de-compress. From command line or desktop file browser, execute install.sh. Supported to run on any Arm7-based computer such as Chromebooks (for Arm) and Raspberry Pi 2+3. Out-of-the-box execution, requires no Java Runtime. The 32bit Arm executable is distribution independent. Minimum requirement

  • kernel 2.6.16 or above
  • glibc 2.4 or above

OZvm V1.2 - Linux-x64-installer.run30.6MB2017/02/13

64bit Linux installer. Download RUN installer to Gnome / KDE (or other X-Windows based) desktop, apply chmod +x, then execute from command line or desktop file browser. Supported to install and run on DEB package distributions like Debian & Ubuntu, RPM package distributions like Fedora, Mandriva, OpenSuse and PcLinuxOS. Out-of-the-box execution, requires no Java RuntimeThe 64bit executable is distribution independent. Minimum requirement

  • kernel 2.6.16 or above
  • glibc 2.4 or above

OZvm - V1.2 MacOS-installer.dmg34.4MB2017/02/14

Download Mac Disc Image, open and double-click on package icon to install application. Supported to run on Mac OS X 10.8 and newer. Out-of-the-box execution, requires no Java Runtime.

OZvm - V1.2 Java MacOS App.zip2.4MB2017/02/13Download Zip, unpack and drag to Application folder. Supported to run on Mac OS X 10.6 (Snow Leopard) and newer. Requires Java runtime 1.6 to be installed on your Mac system.
OZvm - V1.2 Java Jar + Z88 Roms.zip2.2MB2017/02/13For all platforms with OpenJDK / Oracle Java 1.6+ runtime installed on your system: Download Zip, unpack into preferred folder on your desktop system. Type "java -jar z88.jar" to execute application.

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