Get Directory Names

EazyLink Server, V4.4

Request for Z88 Directory Names in the current specified valid path, ended with the path separator "/". The specified path will be added with the "*" (all names) wildcard symbol by the EazyLink server, which is standard according to the PC-LINK II specification.

The EazyLink Server always returns the "." name which identifies the current directory. Then, if the specified path in the request command defines one sub-directory or more, a ".." parent directory name is sent as well. Both identifiers as sent before any local directory names.

As shown below, each name is sent with a leading ESC "N"; the indicator that a name follows. When the last name has been transmitted ESC "Z" is sent. Directory names are sent without path specification.

Client Server Action
<ESC "D"> <Path> Request for directories in
<ESC "Z"> -> waiting <Path>
waiting Request received. "*" added
to <Path>

receiving <- <ESC "N"> <"."> Send current path symbol
receiving <- <ESC "N"> <".."> Send parent path symbol
receiving <- <ESC "N"> <DirName> Send local directory name
<- ...
receiving <- <ESC "Z"> End of Names


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