1. Introduction To Fault Diagnosis

1. Introduction To Fault Diagnosis

Test Equipment

Section 4 is intended as a guide to fault diagnosis and repair. It is written for repair staff who are familiar with standard fault-finding procedures and who have the requisite test equipment available. The table below lists the minimum required test equipment and materials.


EquipmentSpecification / Manufacturer
Frequency MeterGeneral Purpose
OscilloscopeRise time 100 nanosec
Digital MultimeterGeneral purpose
Known good LED display unitCambridge Computer
Known good keyboard unitCambridge Computer
Mains AdaptorCambridge Computer
SuperglueOpen market


Modification History

Three types of board are in circulation, Issue 3, 4 and 5. Only a small number of Issue 3 boards are in existence. They differ from Issue 4 boards in that certain components have been manually wired in. In Issue 4 boards, the printed circuit has been amended to accommodate these components. The relevant components are listed below:


ResistorsR80, R81, R82. In addition R23 (l00k) has been relocated in parallel with D9.
CapacitorsC31, C32.
DiodesD28, D29, D30.
Preset potentiometersRV2.


On Issue 3 boards, resistors R52 and R75 have been removed from the circuit and leave gaps. There is also a gap where R23 has been removed in order to be relocated in parallel with D9.

The issue 5 boards have been designed for foreign electromagnetic standard compliance. The differences have to be developped.


The following information has been copied from an A2 size Cambridge Computers Z88 Circuit Diagram

Drawn by F.I. 4.4.87 Checked by A. A. R. 13.4.87

Issue No
Change No


Description of Change
229-4-87CCL 1 - 71R52 (22K) removed
  TED2IC3 pins 1, 30, 31, 32 conn to VCC not SVCC
  ECN 22323Conn pin 20 of SK 2, 3, 4 to VCC instead of SVCC
   4Conn pin 19 of SK 2, 3, 4 to VCC instead of SVCC
   5Conn RP6 pin 1 to VCC instead of SVCC
   6Conn C27 to VCC instead of SVCC
   7R38 change from 1M to 47K
   8C23 change from 100nF to 10nF
   9Conn R17 to IC1 pin 17 instead of VCC
   10Add TR25
   11Add R80
   12Add R81
   13Add D30
312-6-87CCL 7 - 1214R41 change from 470R TO 150R
  TED15Remove R23 from SVCC and conn in // with D9
  ECN 233016Add C31 1nF from GND to IC4/97
   17Add C32 330pF from IC1/17 to GND
   18Add 10M res between SK10 pin 1 and metal case
   19Add RV2 5K0 in // with RV1

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