2. System Test
2. System Test
The system test is carried out with the repaired Z88, in its case, mounted on a test frame. The full test equipment required is set out in the table below:
Equipment | Specification/Manufacturer | Item No. |
Sinclair Spectrum Mains Adaptor | Cambridge Computer | 1 |
Z88 Cased Unit Test Fixtures | Cambridge Computer | 2 |
Special Test Box (with separate power supply) | Cambridge Computer | 3 |
Test Card Connector for SKT2 | Cambridge Computer | 4 |
Test Card Connector for SKT3 | Cambridge Computer | 5 |
Test Card Connector for SKT4 | Cambridge Computer | 6 |
Test Card for Peripheral Expansion Connector | Cambridge Computer | 7 |
RS232 Termination Connector | Cambridge Computer | 8 |
Standard RAM Pack | Cambridge Computer | 9 |
Special Modified 32K RAM Pack | Local modification | 10 |
128K EPROM Test Program Pack | Cambridge Computer | 11 |
240 V Variable Transformer (with flying mains socket attached) | Local Purchase | 12 |
Adaptor Test Box | Cambridge Computer/Local manufacturer | 13 |
NOTE : The table showing the Test Equipment is incorrect. See Primary Names for the corrections.
Preparation for Test
Before commencing the test verify the following:
- A gap exists between the case and the Reset switch.
- The Flap switch button is depressed and released when the flap is opened and closed.
- The adaptor is connected to the mains and its jack plug is inserted in the test box.
- The two banana fly leads from the test box are connected to the test fixture.
Test Functions
The system test exercises all the Z88 functions and by use of screen prompts progresses through six defined states. The software test is followed by a comprehensive test of all power functions, including current drain in the operational and coma states and a check of the 'supercap' operation.
- Set Switch B on the test fixture to position 2 (jack).
- Connect up the test rig as shown in Figure 3.1.
- Place the cased unit for test in the test fixture and slide the arms outward and down to lock it into position.
- Insert the special test card (Item 7) into the peripheral expansion slot and check that the LED is always ON. Remove test card.
- Insert the special test card (Item 3) into slots 1, 2 and 3 in turn and check that for each slot the LED is always ON.
- Remove the special test card from slot 3, leaving the flap open.
- Insert the jack plug from the test box (Item 2) into the jack socket of the unit under test.
- Close the flap and press the reset button (it may need to be pressed two or three times). Check that the display comes on showing the INDEX screen.
- Carry out the following:
- Insert the RS232 termination connector (Item 8).
- Insert the software packs:
- Slot 1 - 32 K RAM pack (Item 4)
- Slot 2 - modified 32K RAM pack (Item 5)
- Slot 3 - test program 128K EPROM pack (Item 6)
- Close the flap.
- Notes:
- Slot 1 checks SE1 in particular.
- Slot 2 checks A17, A18, A19, SE2.
- Slot 3 checks SE3 and Pay.
- This combination of cards checks every slot signal line except ROE which is checked by the internal EPROM.
- Press the RESET button on the unit and follow the screen prompt to check the following:
- the keyboard
- contrast
- the RS232 serial link
- the speaker
- the jack plug
- the connectors
- At the end of the test check that TEST COMPLETE is displayed on the screen.
- Open the flap and check that the display goes OFF.
- Remove the software cards from slots 1, 2 and 3 and close the flap.
- Press the Reset button and check that the display comes ON.
- Set switch B on the test box to position 1 and check that the display remains ON.
- Remove the jack plug from the unit and check that the display remains ON.
- Tap the unit a few times and check that this has no effect on the display screen, ie no screen flickering etc.
- Open the flap and check that the display goes OFF.
- Close the flap and check that the BAT LOW (battery low) indication is NOT displayed on the screen.
- Set switch A on the test box to position 2 and release. Check that the BAT LOW indication is displayed on the screen.
- Carry out the following:
- Set switch A on the test box to position 1, and hold. Check that the display goes OFF while the switch is held in position 1.
- Release switch A and check:
- the display comes back ON
- the meter on the the test box is in the GREEN band
- Press both SHIFT Keys simultaneously to put the Z88 into the coma state.
- Carry out the following:
- Operate switch C and hold.
- Check that the test box meter is in the GREEN band while the switch is held.
- Release switch C.
- Press both SHIFT keys simultaneously and check that the display comes back ON.
- Carry out the following:
- Press and hold switch D for approximately 1 second.
- Check that the display goes OFF while the switch is held.
- Check that the display comes back ON when the switch is released and that the display is not corrupted.
- Carry out the following:
- Disonnect the input jack plug from the test box.
- Remove the jack plug from the cased unit.
- Remove the RS232 termination connector.
- Remove the cased unit from the test fixture.
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