Save and restore

The OS_Sr call was designed for internal use, but has a three rather handy features which can be used by applications:


            A = reason code:
            SR_SUS ($01)            Save user screen
            SR_RUS ($02)            Restore user screen
            SR_WPD ($03)            Write parameter data (mailbox)
            SR_RPD ($04)            Read parameter data (mailbox)
            SR_FUS ($05)            Free user screen
            SR_CRM ($06)            Remove card (system use only)
            SR_CIN ($07)            Insert card (system use only)
            SR_PWT ($08)            Page wait
            SR_RND ($09)            Occasionally a random number (system use)

            BC = arguments
            DE = arguments
            HL = arguments
            IX = arguments
OUT, if call successful:
            Fc = 0
            returned values depend on A(in)
OUT, if call failed:
            Fc = 1
            A = error code:
                        RC_UNK ($03), unknown request
                        RC_BAD ($04), bad arguments
                        RC_HAND ($08), bad handle
                        RC_ROOM ($07), no room
                        RC_SUSP ($69), with SR_PWT
                        RC_DRAW ($66), with SR_PWT
                        RC_QUIT ($67), with SR_PWT

SR_SUS ($01), Save user screen

This is a very powerful call, but should not be over used. Most of the time it is perfectly possible to regenerate a screen without resorting to this kind of sledge-hammer approach, requiring around 2K a time. It is probably preferable to use this call, rather than making your application one which has its screen saved automatically (as BBC BASIC), if there are only a few situations in your application where saving the screen is essential. One final point is that it is essential to check that the call was successful and to try and cope if it fails, as it is likely to do on an unexpanded heavily used machine. Please refer to OS_Sr reference for parameter call details. 

SR_RUS ($02), Restore user screen

Restores the previously saved image and releases the corresponding memory. Please refer to OS_Sr reference for parameter call details. 

SR_FUS ($05), Free user screen

This performs the function of freeing the memory that was used to save a screen but without actually affecting the screen image. Please refer to OS_Sr reference for parameter call details. 

SR_WPD ($03), Write parameter data (mailbox)
SR_RPD ($04), Read parameter data (mailbox)

Please refer to OS_Sr reference for parameter call details. Mailboxing is explained in greater detail in Application Static Structures. 

SR_PWT ($08), Page wait

This call displays the page-wait message at the edge of the screen and then does the equivalent of OS_In. It is very important that you check for all pre-emption codes, especially RC_QUIT, when using this call if they are not coped within an error handler. Please note that a successfull return only return keyboard output with A = <BACKSPACE> ($08), and otherwise the error return codes. When output is redirected, page waits are conveniently surpressed. Please refer to OS_Sr reference for parameter call details. 

SR_RND ($09), Occasionally a random number (system use)

The return value (random number) only changes when certain operating system functions occur in between calls to OS_Sr. Repeated fetching a random number may well result in the same value being returned!

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