GN_Wsm, Match filename segment to wildcard string
GN_Wsm, Match filename segment to wildcard string
Register parameters
RST 20H, DEFW $5C09
IN: HL = 0,1,2; not allowed HL = pointer to wildcard string (must be > 255) DE = pointer to buffer for filename (must be > 255) OUT, if call matched: Fz = 1 HL = pointer to wildcard separator DE = pointer to filename separator OUT, if call not matched: Fz = 0 HL = HL(in) DE = DE(in) Registers changed after return: ..BC..../IXIY same AF..DEHL/.... different
This matches (or attempts) a single segment of a filename. Assumes that both the wildcard and the match string do not index the prefix characters (":", "/" or "\").
Related calls
GN_Esa, read & write to filename segments
GN_Fcm, compress a filename
GN_Fex, expand a filename
GN_Opw, open wildcard handler
GN_Pfs, parse filename segment
GN_Prs, parse filename
GN_Wcl, close wildcard handle
GN_Wfn, fetch next match for wildcard string (handle)
, multiple selections available,