GN_Crc, Get CRC-32 of ressource
GN_Crc, Get CRC-32 of ressource
GN_Crc allows to generate a CRC–32 (Cyclic Redundancy Check) for memory area, RAM files and File Entries on File Cards. Various methods are available:
- Generate CRC–32 of a local memory area (for example a string)
- Generate CRC–32 of complete RAM file
- Generate partial CRC–32 of RAM file. This enables the application to process CRC-32 across file entry while other activites are done
- Generate CRC–32 from a File Entry in a File Area on an Eprom or Flash card
- Generate partial CRC–32 a File Entry in a File Area on an Eprom or Flash card. Process CRC-32 across file entry while other activites are done
Register parameters
Iterate CRC-32 over local memory buffer
OZ GN_Crc - RST 20H, DEFW $7C09 IN: A = CRC_MEMA (0) HL = pointer to buffer (local memory) BC = buffer size DE = 0, Initialize CRC-32 with FFFFFFFFh DE > 0, (local) pointer to initial 4-byte CRC-32 OUT, if call successful: Fc = 0 DEBC = CRC-32 result (DE = high-word, BC = low-word) OUT, if call failed: Fc = 1 A = RC_BAD ($04) - bad argument Registers changed after return: ......HL/IXIY same AFBCDE../.... different
CRC_FILE, Iterate CRC-32 on complete RAM file (from file pointer until EOF), using OS_Mv
OZ GN_Crc - RST 20H, DEFW $7C09 IN: A = CRC_FILE (1) HL = pointer to file buffer (local memory) BC = buffer size DE = 0, Initialize CRC-32 with FFFFFFFFh DE > 0, (local) pointer to initial 4-byte CRC-32 IX = file handle of open file (using GN_Opf) OUT, if call successful: Fc = 0, DEBC = CRC-32 OUT, if call failed: Fc = 1, A = RC_BAD ($04) - bad argument A = RC_xxx (file & handle related errors) Registers changed after return: ......HL/IXIY same AFBCDE../.... different
Iterate CRC-32 partially on RAM file (from file pointer onwards), using OS_Gb
OZ GN_Crc - RST 20H, DEFW $7C09 IN: A = CRC_PARTFILEBYTE (2) HL = max bytes to read for this partial scan, or -1 for rest of file DEBC = Initial CRC-32 or input from result of previous partial CRC-32 scan IX = file handle of open file (using GN_Opf) OUT, if call successful: Fc = 0 DEBC = partial CRC-32 result (DE = high-word, BC = low-word), to be used for next scan iteration Fc = 1, A _RC_Eof DEBC = final CRC-32 result (DE = high-word, BC = low-word) OUT, if call failed: Fc = 1, A = RC_BAD ($04) - bad argument A = RC_xxx (file & handle related errors) Registers changed after return: ......HL/IXIY same AFBCDE../.... different
Iterate CRC-32 partially (buffered) on RAM file (from file pointer onwards), using OS_Mv
OZ GN_Crc - RST 20H, DEFW $7C09 IN: A = CRC_PARTFILEBUF (3) HL = pointer to file buffer (local memory), BC = buffer size DE = 0, Initialize CRC-32 with FFFFFFFFh DE > 0, (local) pointer to 4-byte CRC-32 (initial CRC-32 or input from result of previous partial scan) IX = file handle of open file (using GN_Opf) OUT, if call successful: Fc = 0 DEBC = partial CRC-32 result (DE = high-word, BC = low-word), to be used for next scan iteration Fc = 1, A _RC_Eof DEBC = final CRC-32 result (DE = high-word, BC = low-word) OUT, if call failed: Fc = 1, A = RC_BAD ($04) - bad argument A = RC_xxx (file & handle related errors) Registers changed after return: ......HL/IXIY same AFBCDE../.... different
Iterate CRC-32 on complete File Entry (File Card)
OZ GN_Crc - RST 20H, DEFW $7C09 IN: A = CRC_EPFILE (4) BHL = pointer to file entry DE = 0, Initialize CRC-32 with FFFFFFFFh DE > 0, (local) pointer to initial 4-byte CRC-32 OUT, if call successful: Fc = 0, DEBC = CRC-32 OUT, if call failed: Fc = 1, A = RC_BAD ($04) - bad argument A = RC_xxx (file card related errors) Registers changed after return: ......HL/IXIY same AFBCDE../.... different
Iterate CRC-32 partially on File Entry (File Card)
OZ GN_Crc - RST 20H, DEFW $7C09 IN: A = CRC_PARTEPFILE (5) Initial call: BHL = pointer to File Entry DE = max. size of bytes to read per partial scan IX = pointer to local memory (allocated in application/popdown workspace, 12 bytes): (IX + 0,3) : Initial CRC-32 or input from result of previous partial CRC-32 scan (IX + 4,6) : Reserved for 24bit file pointer (initialized after first call) (IX + 7,9) : Reserved for size of file entry (initialized after first call) (IX + 10,11) : Reserved for max. bytes to read per partial scan Subsequent calls: BHL = 0 (this is returned automatically after initial call to this method) IX = pointer to updated local memory of CRC-32 variables (12 bytes): OUT: BHL = 0, always Fc = 0 (IX + 0,3) : partial CRC-32 result, low-byte, high-byte order (IX + 4,6) : 24bit file pointer updated for next partial scan (IX + 7,9) : Remaining file size updated for next partial scan (IX + 10,11) : max. bytes to read per partial scan = DE (initial input) Fc = 1 A = RC_Eof (complete file scanned) (IX + 0,3) : final CRC-32 result, low-byte, high-byte order; Fc = 1 A = RC_xxx (System error occurred - file entry corrupt, not found, etc.) Registers changed on return: ......../IXIY same AFBCDEHL/.... different
Related calls
GN_Crc was implemented in OZ V4.5. It is used by the integrated EazyLink popdown to validate uploaded file content. FlashStore also uses it to display the checksum of a File Entry to be fetched to RAM. GN_Crc will be used more in future OZ developments.
If this system call is used in stand-alone applications, it is necessary to validate which OZ version the application is running on:
include "fileio.def" ld a,FA_PTR ld ix,ffffh ld de,0 ; result in DEBC oz OS_Frm ld a,44h ; OZ versions are embedded as hexnibbles in C register. cp c jr nc, not_ozv45 ; Check for OZ V4.5 failed (44h-45h gives Fc = 1)
Example for CRC - 32 on memory contents
include "crc32.def" ld a,CRC_MEMA ld hl,crctext ld bc,crctext_end - crctext ld de,0 oz GN_Crc ; CRC–32 returned is 0x414FA339 (DE = 0x414F, BC = 0xA339) .crctext defm "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog" .crctext_end
Example for CRC - 32 on open RAM file using a buffer
include "crc32.def" include "fileio.def" DEFC FileBufferSize = 1280 DEFVARS $2000 ; "popdown" workspace from 2000H onwards FileBuffer ds.b FileBufferSize ; buffer for file I/O ENDDEF LD A, OP_IN LD BC,128 LD HL,filename ; pointer to local filename LD D,H LD E,L OZ GN_Opf JR C,not_available ld a, CRC_FILE ld hl,FileBuffer ; use buffer ld bc,FileBufferSize ld de,0 ; Use FFFFFFFFh as initial Crc-32 oz GN_Crc ; get CRC-32 of Open file (with buffer), returned in DEBC oz GN_Cl ; close file
Example for CRC - 32 on open RAM file without buffer (slowest)
include "crc32.def" include "fileio.def" include "error.def" LD A, OP_IN LD BC,128 LD HL,filename ; pointer to local filename LD D,H LD E,L OZ GN_Opf JR C,not_available ld a, CRC_PARTFILEBYTE ld hl,1024 ; read 1024 bytes at a time from file ld bc,$ffff ld d,b ld e,c ; Use FFFFFFFFh as initial Crc-32 .scan_file oz GN_Crc ; get CRC-32 of Open file (no buffer) jr c,check_eof push bc push de push hl call do_task pop hl pop de pop bc jr scan_file .check_eof oz GN_Cl ; close file cp Rc_eof ret z ; CRC-32 completed, return DEBC to caller scf ; other error occurred - signal Fc = 1, A = RC_xxx ret
Example for CRC - 32 on File Entry in File Card
include "crc32.def" include "eprom.def" ld c,2 ld de,epfilename ; search for filename in filea area of slot 2 ld a, EP_Find oz OS_Epr ret c ; file area not there ret nz ; file entry not found ld a, CRC_EPFILE ld de,0 ; Use FFFFFFFFh as initial Crc-32 oz GN_Crc ; get CRC-32 of File Entry returned in DEBC
Example for CRC - 32 on partial File Entry in File Card
include "crc32.def" include "eprom.def" DEFVARS $2000 ; "popdown" workspace from 2000H onwards FE_CRC32VARS ds.b 12 ENDDEF ld c,2 ld de,epfilename ; search for filename in filea area of slot 2 ld a, EP_Find oz OS_Epr ret c ; file area not there ret nz ; file entry not found ld a, CRC_PARTEPFILE ld ix, FE_CRC32VARS ; variable space for partial GN_Crc ld de,1024 ; Scan max. 1024 bytes per loop iteration, initial Crc-32 is FFFFFFFFh .crc32_fe_loop oz GN_Crc ; get partial CRC-32 of File Entry in BHL (or BHL = 0 for next partial block) jr c, final_crc32 ... call do_task ... jr crc32_fe_loop .final_crc ; CRC-32 is available in (IX+0) call display_crc32 ret
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