GN_Ren, Rename file
GN_Ren, Rename file
Register parameters
RST 20H, DEFW $6609
IN: HL = 0,1,2; not allowed (B=0) BHL = pointer to filename of file to be renamed (HL > 255) DE = 0,1,2; not allowed DE = pointer to replacement name (no path must be specified). OUT, if call successful: Fc = 0 OUT, if call failed: Fc = 1 A = error code: RC_ONF ($12), file not found RC_IVF ($17), invalid filename RC_EXIS ($19), file with replacement name already exists RC_USE ($15), file is in use and cannot be renamed Registers changed after return: ..BCDEHL/IXIY same AF....../.... different
The replacement name must be just "filename.ext" - it must not include device or directory segments.
Related calls
GN_Cl, close file
GN_Del, delete a file from memory
GN_Opf, open file/resource (wildcard search)
OS_Cl, internal close (OZ usage)
OS_Del, file delete (internal OZ usage)
OS_Frm, file read miscellaneous
OS_Fwm, file write miscellaneous
OS_Gb, get byte from file (or device)
OS_Gbt, get byte from file (or device) with timeout
OS_Mv, move bytes between stream and memory
OS_Op, internal open (OZ usage)
OS_Pb, write byte to file, device
OS_Pbt, write byte to file, device with timeout
OS_Ren, file rename (internal OZ usage)
, multiple selections available,