Z88 Developers' Notes

Welcome to the Z88 Developers' Notes.

The original text were published by Cambridge Computer in 1988, which could be bought separately or as part of a commercial Z88 application development kit. Matthew Soar has since then published them here: http://www.cix.co.uk/~ponda/Z88dev093.htm.

Cambridge Computer Team, 1988-1989

Matthew Soar

John Harrison
Matthew Elton

Trinity Concepts Ltd, Jim Westwood & Graham French

The Z88 Project Development team picked up the text from V2 and continued to improve it, according to new developments in OZ.

Z88 Development Project Team since 1995

Gunther Strube, Thierry Peycru & Dennis Gröning

Vic Gerhardi, Jorma Oksanen



6th June 2017: V5.0 edition ongoing.

25th October 2015: Final authoring of V4.6 edition ongoing.

9th July 2015: Progress of final authoring of V4.5 edition ongoing. First works have been added for OZ V4.6 API.

8th June 2014: Updated API for OZ V4.5

26th May 2012: 98% of the notes are now imported and improved with better text-layout. A few chapters have yet to be imported and links to System Call API's are currently being applied everywhere in the text.


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