Cambridge Z88
Z88 Developers' Notes
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Space settings
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The Map Area
Installation and removal of RAM Applications
Miscellaneous useful routines
Miscellaneous useful information
BBC BASIC and the in-line assembler
Manipulating the Blink Registers
The Z88 Motherboard Hardware and periphial cards
System Calls Reference
DC_Alt, Pass an alternative character
DC_Bye, Exit current process
DC_Dbg, Enter debugger
DC_Dis, Disassemble
DC_Elf, Executable and Linkable Format (ELF) Interface
DC_Ent, Enter process
DC_Gen, Screen driver SOH call
DC_Icl, Invoke new CLI
DC_In, Read from CLI
DC_Ini, initialize the Director
DC_Nam, Name current application
DC_Nq, Handle Director/CLI enquiries
DC_Out, Write to CLI
DC_Pol, Poll for application or card usage
DC_Prt, Print to CLI
DC_Rbd, rebind streams
DC_Rbp, Remove Breakpoint
DC_Rte, Return from ELF
DC_Sbp, Set break point
DC_Sp, Handle Director/CLI settings
DC_Upd, Update Operating System
DC_Xin, Examine CLI input
OS_Alm, Alarm manipulation
OS_Axm, Allocate explicit memory
OS_Axp, Allocate explicit page
OS_Bde, Copy bytes to extended address
OS_Bhl, Copy bytes from extended address
OS_Bix, Bind in extended address for availability
OS_Blp, Make a bleep
OS_Bout, Write string at (B)HL to standard output
OS_Box, Restore bindings after OS_Bix
OS_Bye, Exit application
OS_Cl, Internal close
OS_Cli, CLI interface
OS_Del, File delete
OS_Dly, Delay a given period
OS_Dom, Open director memory
OS_Dor, The DOR interface
OS_Ent, Enter an application
OS_Epr, File Eprom Interface
OS_Erc, Get error context
OS_Erh, Set error handler
OS_Esc, Examine special condition
OS_Exit, Quit process (application)
OS_Fc, Select fast code (fast bank switching)
OS_Fdp, File duplicate (sector-level)
OS_Fep, Flash Card Interface
OS_Fma, Find Memory for Allocation
OS_Fn, Handle functions
OS_Frm, File read miscellaneous
OS_Fth, Free tri-handle
OS_Fwm, File write miscellaneous
OS_Fxm, Free explicit memory
OS_Gb, Get byte from file (or device)
OS_Gbt, Get byte from file (or device) with timeout
OS_Gth, Allocate tri-handle
OS_Hout, write a hexadecimal byte to standard output
OS_Ht, Hardware time manipulation
OS_In, Read (wait for) character from standard input
OS_Iso, key to ISO conversion
OS_Isq, Initialize prefix sequence
OS_Kin, Keyboard input
OS_Mal, Allocate memory
OS_Map, PipeDream map control
OS_Mcl, Close memory (free memory pool)
OS_Mfr, Free (previously allocated block) memory
OS_Mgb, Get current bank binding in segment
OS_Mop, Open memory (allocate memory pool)
OS_Mpb, Set new bank binding in segment
OS_Mv, Move bytes between stream and memory
OS_Nln, send new line (CR/LF) to standard output
OS_Nq, Enquire
Window Management information
Process Management and OZ information
Memory Management information
Director and CLI information
Director and CLI handles information
OS_Off, Switch machine off
OS_Op, Internal open
OS_Out, Write character to standard output
OS_Pb, Write byte to file / device
OS_Pbt, Write byte to file / device with timeout
OS_Ploz, Poll for running OZ
OS_Poll, Poll for an application
OS_Pout, Write embedded string at (PC) to standard output.
OS_Prt, Send character directly to printer filter
OS_Pur, Purge keyboard buffer
OS_Ren, File rename