Command line options

Command line options

Currently, there's a limited menu selection available in the Graphical User Interface. Most features are specified using command line options at your operating system shell or in the debug command line interface. This is the general syntax for executing OZvm:

java -jar z88.jar [<'boot.z88' | snapshot file>] [<options>]

the following options are available (all specified in lower case!):





Enable debug command line in OZvm (separate window). Can also be actived from the program menu: File->Debug Command Line



rom <filename>
Load a specified ROM image into the emulator (bottom half of slot 0). If this option is not used, then the default UK V4.0 ROM is installed during boot of OZvm. Allowed ROM image size is 128K to 512K.

kbl <country code>

Use country specific Z88 keyboard layout. Available codes are: fr (french), dk (danish), uk / en (english), se (swedish), fi (finnish).



ramX <size>

Specify a RAM card in slot X (0-3) of size in KB, for example: ram1 128 means that a 128K RAM Card will be inserted into slot 1.


eprX <size> <type>

Specify an empty Eprom or Flash card in slot X (1-3) of size in KB and of <type>, for example: epr1 1024 29f means that an empty 1Mb Amd Flash Card will be inserted into slot 1.

Available types:
27C: Standard UV Eprom (all sizes allowed)
28F: Intel Flash Card (available sizes are 512 & 1024)
29F: Amd Flash Card (available sizes are 128, 512, 1024)
fcdX <size> <type> [-f file] [-d directory]
Insert an empty File Card in slot X (1-3) of size in KB and of <type>, for example: fcd1 1024 29f means that an empty 1Mb Amd Flash Card will be inserted into slot 1 and preset with a 'oz' File Header at the top of the card.

Available Card types for a File Card:
27C: Standard UV Eprom (all sizes allowed)
28F: Intel Flash Card (available sizes are 512 & 1024)
29F: Amd Flash Card (available sizes are 128, 512, 1024)

You can optionally import files from the host operating system into the file area. There's two methods; either specify files using the -f filename option, or specifying directories on the host operating system using the -d directory-path option (load all files in host directory into file area). You can specify several -f or -d options, as long as they are specified together, ie. -f filename1 -d directory-path1 -f filename2 -ffilename3 -d directory-path1
Imported file(name)s are stripped of any path that was specified from the host file system.
crdX <size> <type> [-b] <file>

Load a file image on a new empty card in slot X (1-3) of size in KB and of <type>. This enables you to insert a large card into a slot and pre-load that card with a smaller card image, typically if you want to make a 1Mb hybrid application/file card and preload the top 512K with a file image of a previous 512K application card - the bottom 512Kb can then be created with a file area. 

For example: crd2 1024 29f flashstore.epr means that an empty 1Mb Amd Flash Card will be inserted into slot 1 with a file image loaded to the top banks of the card. If the image is 32K, then top banks 3Eh and 3Fh will be filled with the file image

The -b option allows to load a collection of 16K bank files (typically generated by RomCombiner BBC BASIC program on the Z88) into the allocated card. The extension of each bank file identifies the bank (number) of the new card to be loaded. Bank files are always numbered from the top of  the card and downwards, so a 32K application card are split up into two bank files, named as "appcard.62" and "appcard.63". The <file> argument will defines the base filename of the bank file collection (including any optional path name).

Example: crd2 512 29F -b E:\z88\cards\spellmaster

- inserts a 512K AMD Flash Card into slot 2 and load the bank files "spellmaster.56" - "spellmaster.63" into the upper part of the card (Spellmaster is a 128K application card).

Available types:
27C: Standard UV Eprom (typically 32, 128, 256, 512, 1024)
28F: Intel Flash Card (available sizes are 512 & 1024)
29F: Amd Flash Card (available sizes are 128, 512, 1024)



initdebug <filename>

Enable debugging mode in OZvm and parse debugging commands from <filename>. Each debug command on a separate line. This allows you to preset the debugging environment with breakpoints, registers and possibly an autostart of Z80 execution engine.

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